The cast of Die Oase - 1993 includes: Atossa Akbar as Julia Becker Matthias Gibbig as Helmut Keller Harald Krassnitzer as Dieter Krause Edda Petri as Claudia Lichtenstein Chiem van Houweninge as Jan Spoor
The cast of O zi buna de plaja - 2008 includes: Marian Ghenea as Miki George Hoffman as Oase Cerasela Iosifescu as Lili Okan Kaya as Nepotu Florin Sinescu as Blondu
i dont know what u mean by OASE but for dating sim theres: IMVU Second life and soem other but i dont rember them
The cast of Sperma Royal - 2003 includes: Kisa Annegret
OASE Zelsn's path in Other Age Second Encounter is located in the "North Walkway" section of Bomee's palace. You can access this path after successfully completing certain requirements and progressing through the game. Good luck on your journey!
1. The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest. 2. The cave "Peștera cu oase".
u could find it on OASE Zelsn's path
Silviu Biris has: Played Radu in "Crucea de piatra" in 1993. Performed in "Oglinda" in 1993. Played Arthur in "Mykosch" in 1995. Played Ood Soldier in "The Shrunken City" in 1998. Performed in "Le domaine perdu" in 2005. Played Raoul in "Restul e tacere" in 2007. Played Max in "La bani, la cap, la oase" in 2010.
Matthias Gibbig has: Played Herr Rothgerber in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Helmut Keller in "Die Oase" in 1993. Played Torsten Hayduk in "Die Gerichtsreporterin" in 1994. Played Opa in "Hart an der Grenze" in 1996. Played Duke of Anjou in "The Virgin Queen" in 2005.
Yes, the first traces of Homo sapiens in Europe are in Romania (Pestera cu oase,ca. 35 000 years ago).
Gustav Parthey has written: 'Aegypten beim Geographen von Ravenna' 'Das Orakel und die Oase des Ammon'
In English the only way to spell Oasis is Oasis. If you are interesting in other languages: German: Oase Hebrew: אואזיס (Oázis) Polish: Oaza Swedish: Oas Finnish: Keidas Turkish: Vaha
Britta Padberg has written: 'Die Oase aus Stein' -- subject(s): Cities and towns, Medieval, City and town life, History, Human ecology, Medieval Cities and towns, Social aspects, Social aspects of Human ecology, Urban ecology