The cast of Die Hosen des Ritters Bredow - 1973 includes: Carin Abicht as Magd Meike Kati Bus as Eva, beider Tochter Fred Delmare as Kaufmann Hedderich Jochen Diestelmann as Gelehrter Klaus Ebeling as Soldat Gerd Ehlers as Armin - Vogt von Potsdam Gerd Funk Klaus Gehrke as Landreiter Harald Halgardt as von Quitzow Hannjo Hasse as Geheimer Rat von Lindenberg Renate Heymer as Magd Walter Lendrich as Wirt Stefan Lisewski as Uli Fred Ludwig as von Minkwitz Matthias Molter Silvia Neef as Magd Susanne Horst Papke as Knecht bei Bredow Peter Pauli Rolf Ripperger as von Puttlitz Christa Scheuner as Magd Hans Schmidt as Gast Bodo Schmidt as Knecht bei Bredow Willy Schmitz Richard Schrader Lissy Tempelhof as Brigitte von Bredow Ulrich Teschner Axel Triebel as Bodo von Bredow Nico Turoff as Kerkermeister
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Wellenritt - 2006 includes: Hanna Bredow as Sandra Michael Zittel as Robert
The cast of Start Up - 2013 includes: Gary Bredow as Himself - Host
The cast of Elipsis - 1999 includes: Paola Arteaga Luis Bredow Ariel Paz
The cast of Seines Bruders Leibeigener - 1921 includes: Harald Bredow Max Wogritsch
The cast of Badhuset - 1989 includes: Jan Abramson as Mannen David Blom as Pojken Johan H:son Kjellgren as Flottisten Anna von Bredow as Flickorna Maria von Bredow as Flickorna
The cast of Der Mantel - 1953 includes: Erwin Bredow as Akiki Akadiewitsch Herbert Wilk as Gogol
The cast of Betrogene Frauen - 1913 includes: Lily Bredow Oskar Guresch Minka Hofbauer Paul Kronegg Phillipp Zeska
The cast of Cent dollars mort ou vif - 1911 includes: Bredow Berthe Dagmar Gaston Modot
The cast of Menschen von heute - 1920 includes: Felix Basch as Pseudograf Harald Bredow Esther Hagan Sophie Pagay
The cast of Norte Estrecho - 2014 includes: Luis Bredow as Jorge Pablo Fernandez as Julio Melissa Gruver as Judge Randy Molnar as Prosecutor Carmen Salinas as Charo
The cast of Der Mann in der Falle - 1920 includes: Harald Bredow Ernst Dernburg as Pierre Roudnice Harry Frank as Detektiv Martens Leopold Gadiel
The cast of Sein letzter Trick - 1919 includes: Willi Allen Maria Bannier Harald Bredow Walter Formes Erna Pabst Heinrich Peer as Detektiv Hull Ernst Pittschau