The cast of The Devils Detour - 2007 includes: Dapoe as Chainsaw Chris Divecchio as Shane Ike Gingrich as The Devil Alexandra Kofsky as Helen Mike Logan Schiffbauer as Trench Amber Mangipano as Nikki Erik Nissani as David Shane Russeck as Dan Dark Wolf as Toe Tag
The cast of Long Road to Heaven - 2007 includes: Marco Ade Suciadi as Male Clinic Nurse Nur Alim as Police 1 Irfan Ardiyanto as Jirni Junaidi Arif as Witness in Court Salman Aristo as Doctor in Hospital Wiwie as Dancer at Sari Club Andri Bayuardi as Noordin M. Top Bram Bonmart as Balinese Man at Clinic Sarah Branen as Sexy Girl 2 in Computer Adityawan Darmawan as Local Security Person 1 Achim Ekip as Man 2 in Food Stall Winsa Embrio as Man 1 in Food Stall Madison Evens as Sarah Palmer Alfredo Font as Michael Mirrah Foulkes as Hannah Catrelle Yusron Hadi as Police 2 Raelee Hill as Liz Thompson Sudibyo Js as Amrozi Alex Komang as Wayan Diya Made Kopi as Old Man Praying Yus Malabsy as Imam Samudra Tina Maria Fraser as Sarah Palmer on the Floor Eli Meliana as News Reporter at Clinic Temmy Melianto as Dulmatin Ellise Mignot as Lady Volunteer at Hospital Adlayeva Niyara as Sexy Girl 1 in Computer Joshua Pandelaki as Hajj Ismail Hengki Panggar Besi as Balinese Hotel Porter 2 Panca Prakoso as Local Security Person 2 Surya Saputra as Hambali Akhmad Setyadi as Wan Min Wan Mat Cindy Shirley as Balinese Woman at Clinic Sutarno Sk as Dr. Azahari Husin Bambang Sugiarto as Judge Endris Sukmana as Mukhlas Sarah Treleaven as Julie Dawson Eko Ujiyono as Arnasan Agus Wahyudi as Balinese Man Being Interviewed Hestu Wreda as Ali Imron Clara Yulia as Bali TV Reporter
The cast of Steppe Shower - 2005 includes: Abelina
The cast of Return to Sender - 2005 includes: Stephen Danby
The cast of The Feast - 2005 includes: Kate Rene Gleason as Tamara
The cast of Nicole Peters - 2005 includes: Nicole Peters
The cast of Say It with Noddy - 2005 includes: Alberto Ghisi as Noddy (2005)
The cast of In - 2005 includes: Tamara Simcic
The cast of Tarps - 2005 includes: Inese
The cast of Hosobe You with you - 2005 includes: You Hosobe
The cast of Yelelo - 2005 includes: Parthiban
The cast of commandN - 2005 includes: Amber MacArthur as (2005)
The cast of Detour Into Madness Vol 1. - 2005 includes: Kevin Cirone as Road Kill Molly Cranna as Sarah William DeCoff as The Director Stephen Hludzik as Derek Danielle Lozeau as Raylin Brenner Leah Nigro as Tanya Joe Patnaud as Jason Jude Pucillo as The Assistant Erika Stone as Lauren Timothy Whitfield as Woodsman
The cast of Jerkoffs - 2005 includes: Amber Fry
The cast of Torse - 2005 includes: James Dumet
The cast of Sprint - 2005 includes: Schleichmann as Autofahrer
The cast of Edgar - 2005 includes: Lars Engstrom
The cast of Bonsai - 2005 includes: Ignacio Toselli
The cast of Montevideoaki - 2005 includes: Hiroaki Umeda