The cast of Das Tagebuch eines Latino-Casanova - 1999 includes: Andrea Dalton Michelle Delage Isabel Golden Jasper Gude Ingrid Messmer
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Martins Tagebuch - 1955 includes: Rolf Ludwig as Narrator
The cast of Das Tagebuch Collins - 1915 includes: Ellen Richter
The cast of Passionels Tagebuch - 1914 includes: Emil Jannings Adele Sandrock Gustav von Wangenheim
The cast of Tagebuch eines Lagerkommandanten - 2011 includes: Cathleen Baumann as Narrator Waldemar Hooge
The cast of Ossis Tagebuch - 1917 includes: Ernst Lubitsch Ossi Oswalda as Ossi Hermann Thimig
The cast of Das Tagebuch eines Toten - 1913 includes: Fred Sauer Hermann Seldeneck
The cast of Aus dem Tagebuch der Erde - 1962 includes: Hans Mirus as Narrator
The cast of Tagebuch meiner Frau - 1920 includes: Alfred Abel Erra Bognar Gertrude Hoffman Heinrich Schroth
The cast of Aus dem Tagebuch eines Lausdirndls - 1918 includes: Franz Glawatsch Paul Morgan
The cast of Das Tagebuch des Apothekers Warren - 1918 includes: Carl Auen Erner Huebsch Lori Leux Fritz Weidemann Bruno Ziener
The cast of Tagebuch einer perfekten Liebe - 2007 includes: Petra Barthel Sebastian Peterson as Voice 5 Kzryzstof Pukanski as Voice 3 Marion Simon
The cast of Tagebuch - 1975 includes: Cynthia Beatt as Ottilie Holger Henze as Otto Angelika Kettelhack as Charlotte Alexander Malkowsky as Verleger Brockmann Eberhard Mayer as Bauarbeiter Rudolf Thome as Eduard