The cast of Coventry Cathedral - 1958 includes: Basil Spence as himself
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Cathedral Canyon - 2012 includes: Winsor Harmon
The cast of A Cathedral Christmas - 1998 includes: Denyce Graves as herself
The cast of Cathedral for the Sun - 2008 includes: Peter Hewlett as Sun
The cast of Cathedral - 2011 includes: Alison Haislip as Jessica Darren Jacobs as Agent
The cast of Coventry - 1998 includes: Ryan Gibson as Patrick Lynn Jordan as Katie Clint Jordan as Sean Wolfe
The cast of The Looters of Liege - 1914 includes: Tom Coventry
The cast of Cathedral - 2013 includes: Elena Gubanova as Narrator Nadia Mizofanova as Veiled Woman
The cast of Cathedral - 2002 includes: Allyce Beasley as Sally James Eckhouse as Ed Mark Rolston as Robert
The cast of Kaiser Opening Protestant Cathedral - 1905 includes: Kaiser Wilhelm II as himself
The cast of Reduction Construction - 2010 includes: Tim Beutler Nick Coventry Andrew Fedders
The cast of Cathedral - 1999 includes: Mindi Logan as Clara Eric Paisley as Documentary host Jordan Rhodes as Nick Nello Tare as Robert
The cast of Her Name Is Clover - 2014 includes: Robert Coventry III as William Lauren Reel as Clover