The cast of Come Dine with Me Canada - 2010 includes: Aris Alexiadis as himself John Ansell as himself Sabrina Araya as Herself - Contestant Barry Arner as Himself - Contestant Gunt as Themselves - Heavy Metal Band Heather Aube as Herself - Contestant Kym Baines as Herself - Contestant Don Beam as Himself - Contestant John Bernard Riche as Himself - Contestant Mary Beth Mccleary as Herself - Contestant Carolyn Bickerton as Herself - Contestant Ali Bisram as Herself - Contestant Larry Boccioletti as Himself - Contestant Anna Bortolon as Herself - Contestant Cassandra Bourne as herself Barbara Boyer as Herself - Contestant Alex Bruvels as himself Thach Bui as Himself - Contestant Marco Campisano as Himself - Contestant Erica Carinci as Herself - Contestant Lewis Carlota as Himself - Contestant Graham Caswell as himself Graham Caswell as Himself - Contestant Tracy Cato as Herself - Contestant Penny Cavener as Herself - Contestant Vicky Celestini as Herself - Contestant Lidia Cimicata as Herself - Contestant Shelly Claridge as Herself - Contestant Mike Cleaver as Himself - Contestant Mary Colasante as Herself - Contestant Johnny Cosentino as Himself - Contestant Anna Costa as Herself - Contestant Marsha Courneya as Herself - Contestant Monique Creary as Herself - Contestant Lazzaro Cristiano Pisu as Himself - Contestant Alex Crookes as Himself - Contestant Aldo Cundari as Himself - Contestant Lynne Dalgleish as herself Elaine Dandy as Herself - Contestant Julia Darby as Herself - Contestant Minesh Dattani as Himself - Contestant Linda David as Herself - Contestant Romina De Angelis as Herself - Contestant Andrea Degirmenci as herself Lisa Del Core as Herself - Contestant Nia Dempster as Herself - Contestant Raj Dhillon as herself Nav Dhillon as Himself - Contestant Ravinder Dhugee as Herself - Contestant Dez Diaz as herself Dez Diaz as Herself - Contestant Kathleen Douglass as herself Nicole Ducharme as Herself - Contestant Pat Durante as Himself - Contestant Ryan Egan as Himself - Contestant Barbara Egarhos as Herself - Contestant Rudy El Maghariki as Himself - Contestant Drama En Sabah as Himself - Contestant Barbara Engelbart as Herself - Contestant Dajana Fabjanovich as Herself - Contestant Rose Fillcoff as Herself - Contestant Kailey Finkleman as herself Shawna Fletcher as Herself - Contestant Samara Foisy as Herself - Contestant Megan Fostka as Herself - Contestant Tamar Fradkin as herself Cathy Fraser as Herself - Contestant Carson Freeman as himself Jason Furlano as Himself - Contestant Charlie Gandt as Himself - Contestant Brian Gangel as himself Heather Garand as Herself - Contestant Lilliane Genier as Herself - Contestant Sal Girmenia as Himself - Contestant Jenny Gladish as Herself - Contestant Jamie Godin as Himself - Contestant Julie Goldblatt as Herself - Contestant Johnny Gough as Himself - Contestant Nerissa Grant as herself Joe Guidarelli as himself Cathy Habus as herself Cathy Habus as Herself - Contestant Jill Hache as Herself - Contestant Susan Haddow as Herself - Contestant Craig Halket as Himself - Contestant Mandy Halpern as herself Sayeh Hassan as herself Adam Hazel as Himself - Contestant Elke Hinson as Herself - Contestant Kristen Hutchinson as Herself - Contestant Jannett Ioannides as Herself - Contestant Yasmin Islam as Herself - Contestant Alicja Kachnicz as Herself - Contestant Louie Katsis as himself Jana Kelemen as Herself - Contestant Rolf Kendra as Himself - Contestant Mona Khorasani as Herself - Contestant Duaina Kirby as herself Brad Koziey as Himself - Contestant Jonathan Lamb as himself Fraser Lang as Himself - Contestant Sandra Latcham as Herself - Contestant Jahte Le as Himself - Contestant Krista Lee Hynes as Herself - Contestant Brett Lemay as Himself - Contestant Janine Liberatore as Herself - Contestant Santo Ligotti as himself Alessandro Limongelli as Himself - Contestant Mark Litman as Himself - Contestant Madalena Longo as Herself - Contestant Luigi Lou Desantis as Himself - Contestant Lulu Lubuglio as Herself - Contestant Edie Lunn as Herself - Tea Leaf Reader Avni Lushaku Hyseini as Himself - Contestant Steve Lydon as Himself - Contestant Nidhi Mahajan as Herself - Contestant Jackie Mandziak as Herself - Contestant Jackson Mann as himself Manon Marquis as Herself - Contestant Mirella Martino as Herself - Contestant Stacey McCool as Herself - Contestant Keith McCrady as Himself - Contestant Bridget McDermid as Herself - Contestant Mitch McGraw as Himself - Contestant Lachlan McGurk as Himself - Contestant Chris McLoughlin as Himself - Contestant Annabel McMahon as herself Bryan McMillan as Himself - Contestant George Mcpherson as Himself - Contestant Graham McWaters as himself Walt Medeiros as himself Sara Meredith as Herself - Contestant Bridgit Miezlaiskis as Herself - Contestant Felix Milien as Himself - Contestant Ray Minchio as Himself - Contestant Bill Minna as himself Greg Moar as Himself - Contestant Sherwin Modeste as Himself - Contestant Jennifer Modica as Herself - Contestant Dennis Monestier as Himself - Contestant Tania Morano as herself Dustin Morrison as Himself - Contestant Marsha Mowers as herself Marise Muir as Herself - Contestant Dawn Muzzo as Herself - Contestant Jenevieve Narbay as Herself - Contestant Elizabeth Newell as Herself - Contestant Andy Noseworthy as Himself - Contestant Ramon Octavio Suarez Cadena as Himself - Contestant Nicole Pagnan as Herself - Contestant Amy Pagnucco as Herself - Contestant Malaika Palmer as Herself - Contestant Jamie Patterson Chojnaki as Herself - Contestant Emma Pelliccione as Herself - Contestant Emmanuel Pena as Himself - Contestant Sima Perry as Herself - Contestant Susan Piccinin as Herself - Contestant Bev Pike as Herself - Contestant Domenic Pisano as Himself - Contestant Katie Pitt as Herself - Contestant Erin Plasky as Herself - Contestant Rebecca Puddester as Herself - Contestant Holly Rasky as herself Barb Rebelo as Herself - Contestant Jennifer Reimer as herself Philippe Renoir as Himself - Contestant Emilie Richard as Herself - Contestant Dayna Richardson as Herself - Contestant Emma Rockett as Herself - Contestant Pixie Roney as herself Kelly Rossignol as Herself - Contestant Zorana Sadiq as Herself - Contestant Rachel Schatz as Herself - Contestant Myron Simic as Himself - Contestant Rick Simm as Himself - Contestant Ruth Simpson as Herself - Contestant Deb Slocum as Herself - Contestant Simcha Snell as herself Syd Spencer as Himself - Contestant Marco Stabellini as Himself - Contestant Kirsti Stephenson as Herself - Contestant Rusty Stewart as Herself - Contestant Sheila Street as Herself - Contestant Dylan Studebaker as Himself - Contestant Atavia Surtees as Herself - Contestant Dana Thatcher as Herself - Proprietor, Thatcher Farms Tracie Thompson as Herself - Contestant Melissa Tiikanen as Herself - Contestant Nancy Tobis as Herself - Contestant Maria Toye as Herself - Contestant Mike Tsatkas as Himself - Contestant Effie Tsergas as Herself - Contestant Holly Van Drat as herself Gillian Vander Vliet as Herself - Contestant Glen Varvaro as Himself - Contestant Deana Velikov as Herself - Contestant John Villeneuve as Himself - Contestant Evi von Sichartshofen as Herself - Contestant Lisa Vrban as Herself - Contestant Tricia Warren as Herself - Contestant Gerald Watson as Himself - Contestant Stephanie Wellinger as Herself - Contestant Adam Whisler as Himself - Contestant Liz Wilkinson as Herself - Contestant Rosamund Witchel as herself Shareen Woodford as herself Robin Yeager as Herself - Contestant Dan Yurman as Himself - Contestant Twanya Zwicker as Herself - Contestant
The cast of Lucretia - 2010 includes: Patricia Ramshaw
The cast of Zupa - 2010 includes: Lene Duncker
The cast of For Better for Worse - 2010 includes: Raeesa Mohamed
The cast of Explore - 2010 includes: Luca Cacitti Yael Cibulski
The cast of Coach Snoop - 2010 includes: Snoop Dogg
The cast of How to Immigrate to Canada - 2010 includes: Don Bapst as Narrator and Speaker
The cast of This Is Not - 2010 includes: Josh Thorud
The cast of Illangyan - 2010 includes: Khushboo
The cast of Her - 2010 includes: Jade Diaz as Anna
The cast of Get Out - 2010 includes: Alberto Corral as Guy
The cast of Be There for Me - 2010 includes: Therese McPherson as Michelle
The cast of You and Me - 2010 includes: Annelise Krause as herself
The cast of As You Were - 2010 includes: Niamh Dillon as Girl
The cast of Not I - 2010 includes: Deniz Demirer as Marek
The cast of Muenchhausen - 2010 includes: Capote
The cast of Numbnuts - 2010 includes: The Horse as Himself (2010)
The cast of Arabesque - 2010 includes: Jessica Boynton