

The cast of Berlin Mitte - 1999 includes: Werner Abelshauser as himself Miguel Abrantes Ostrowski as himself Stephan Ackermann as himself Josef Ackermann as himself Patrick Adenauer as himself Lothar Adler as himself Mariella Ahrens as herself Ilse Aigner as herself Bekir Alboga as himself Madeleine Albright as herself Rolf Aldag as himself Dieter Althaus as himself Walter Andrusyszyn as himself Bodo Arend as himself Peter Arnett as himself Smudo as himself Jorginho as himself Campino as himself Alexandra Ashbourne as herself Seyran Ates as herself Franziska Augstein as herself Heinrich August Winkler as himself Lubna Azzam as herself Anthony Baffoe as himself Hartmut Bagger as himself Daniel Bahr as himself Egon Bahr as himself Franz Bairlein as himself Britta Bannenberg as herself Werner Bartens as himself Dietmar Bartsch as Himself - Die Linke Katinka Barysch as herself Ulrich Battis as himself Adolf Bauer as himself Gerhart Baum as himself Joe Bausch as himself Karoline Beck as herself Marieluise Beck as herself Franz Beckenbauer as himself Reinhold Beckmann as himself Klaus Bednarz as himself Klaus Beier as himself Nadja Benaissa as herself Sieghard Bender as himself Christian Berkel as himself Wulf Bernotat as himself Kurt Biedenkopf as himself Erika Biehn as herself Ute Biernat as Herself - Grundy Mathias Binswanger as himself Herwig Birg as himself Marianne Birthler as herself Lothar Bisky as himself Joachim Bitterlich as himself Tony Blair as himself Wolfgang Blank as himself Jutta Blankau as herself Hans Blix as himself Nikolaus Blome as Himself - BILD Fredi Bobic as himself Peter Boenisch as himself Grit Boettcher as herself Peter Bofinger as himself Martin Bollinger as himself Julia Bonk as herself Gregor Bornes as himself Wolfgang Bosbach as himself Wolfgang Bosbach as Himself - CDU Volker Bouffier as himself Roger Boyes as himself Paul Breitner as himself Heiner Bremer as himself Nikolaus Brender as himself Eva Briegel as herself Werner Brinker as himself Lucas Brost as himself Wibke Bruhns as herself Micha Brumlik as himself Frank Bsirske as himself Michael Buback as himself Detlev Buck as himself Bernhard Bueb as himself Gisela Burckhardt as herself Heinz Buschkowsky as himself Frank Busemann as himself Rocco Buttiglione as himself Edda Castello as herself Jorgo Chatzimarkakis as himself Utz Claassen as himself Wolfgang Clement as himself Luigi Colani as himself Melinda Crane as herself Irmgard Czarnecki as herself Sevim Dagdelen as herself Daniela Dahn as herself The Dalai Lama as himself Christoph Daum as himself Richard David Precht as himself Jaap De Hoop Scheffer as himself Heather De Lisle as herself Diether Dehm as himself Walter Deuss as himself Giovanni di Lorenzo as himself Giovanni di Lorenzo as Himself - Die Zeit Jutta Ditfurth as herself Alexander Dobrindt as himself Alexander Dobrindt as Himself - CSU Thea Dorn as herself Eugen Drewermann as himself Franziska Drohsel as herself Sky du Mont as himself Ariane Durian as herself Peter Dussmann as himself Katja Ebstein as herself Hans Eichel as himself Bernd Eichinger as himself Manfred Eisele as himself Nadeem Elyas as himself Roland Emmerich as himself Ursula Enders as herself Ulrich Endres as himself Dagmar Enkelmann as herself Erhard Eppler as himself Fiona Erdmann as herself Klaus Ernst as himself Walter Eschweiler as himself Stefan Etgeton as himself Ibrahim Evsan as himself Markus Ferber as himself Elke Ferner as herself Carola Ferstl as herself Eckart Fiedler as himself Ottfried Fischer as himself Joschka Fischer as himself Ulrike Flach as herself Jan Fleischhauer as himself Naika Foroutan as herself Werner Franke as himself Klaus Franz as himself Jonathan Franzen as himself Konrad Freiberg as himself Otto Fricke as himself Michel Friedman as himself Gisela Friedrichsen as herself Sigmar Gabriel as himself Sigmar Gabriel as Himself - SPD Norbert Gansel as himself Heiner Garg as Himself - FDP Bill Gates as Himself - Interview Joachim Gauck as himself Hartwig Gauder as himself Bettina Gaus as herself Bettina Gaus as Herself - die tageszeitung Norbert Geis as himself Bob Geldof as himself Ludwig Georg Braun as himself Berndt Georg Thamm as himself Wolfgang Gerhardt as himself Wolfgang Gerke as himself Petra Gerster as herself Florian Gerster as himself Bernhard Gertz as himself Eduard Geyer as himself Sven Giegold as himself Christoph Giesa as himself Robert Giese as himself Gabriele Gillen as herself Thomas Gimm as himself Hermann Gloistein as himself Michael Glos as himself Peter Glotz as himself Nicole Gohlke as Herself - Die Linke Thomas Gottschalk as himself Otto Graf Lambsdorff as himself Andreas Graf von Bernstorff as himself Dieter Graumann as himself Irina Gruschewaja as Herself - Den Kindern von Tschernobyl Gregor Gysi as himself Gregor Gysi as Himself - Die Linke Heinrich Haasis as himself Werner Hackmann as himself Christine Haderthauer as herself Guido Hagelstede as himself Valerie Haller as herself Valerie Haller as Herself - ZDF Rebecca Harms as herself Bodo Hauser as himself Hubertus Heil as himself Kirsten Heisig as herself Friedhelm Hengsbach as himself Kathrin Henneberger as herself Hans Herbert von Arnim as himself Wolfgang Herles as himself Martin Herrenknecht as himself Ulrike Herrmann as herself Roman Herzog as himself Rainer Hess as himself Heidi Hetzer as herself Johanna Hey Heinz Hilgers as himself Walter Hirrlinger as himself Helmut Hochschild as himself Hermes Hodolides as himself Reiner Hoffmann as himself Walter Hohlefelder as himself Judith Holofernes as herself Anna Holzamer as herself Stefan Homburg as himself Ulrich Homburg as himself Shahrzad Hosseini as herself Ellis Huber as himself Berthold Huber as himself Erwin Huber as himself Erwin Huber as Himself - CSU Dieter Hundt Dieter Hundt as himself Moritz Hunzinger as himself Peter Illmann as himself Maybrit Illner as Herself - Host Thomas Isenberg as himself Hannes Jaenicke as himself Klaus Jansen as himself Horst Janson as himself Karin Janz as herself Hans Joachim Schellnhuber as himself Hans Jochen Vogel as himself Josef Joffe as himself Jan Josef Liefers as himself Peer Juhnke as himself Bettina Jummrich as herself Claudia Jung as herself Matthias Jung as himself Oliver Kahn as himself Johannes Kahrs as himself Steffen Kampeter as himself Steffen Kampeter as Himself - CDU Martin Kannegiesser as himself Alexander Karamanlaki as himself Volker Kauder as himself Volker Kauder as Himself - CDU Markus Kavka as himself Birgit Kelle as Herself - Frau 2000plus Claudia Kemfert as herself Frederick Kempe as himself Otto Kentzler as himself Hape Kerkeling as himself Ulrich Kienzle as himself Friedrich Kiesinger as himself Andrea Kiewel as herself Katja Kipping as herself Paul Kirchhof as himself Arndt Kirchhoff as himself Timo Kirstein as himself Sarah Kissler as herself Ali Kizilkaya as himself Beate Klarsfeld as herself Claus Kleber as himself Claudia Kleinert as herself Diether Klingelnberg as himself Rebecka Klingler as herself Wladimir Klitschko as himself Vitali Klitschko as himself Inge Kloepfer as herself Peter Kloeppel as himself Guido Knopp as himself Marianne Koch as herself Theo Koll as himself Hilmar Kopper as himself Katrin Krabbe as herself Hannelore Kraft as herself Toni Krahl as himself Georg Krapp as himself Maren Kroymann as herself Sebastian Krumbiegel as himself Wolfgang Kubicki as himself Sophia Kuby as herself Stefan Kuntz as himself Constanze Kurz as herself Johann Lafer as himself Oskar Lafontaine as himself Oskar Lafontaine as Himself - Die Linke Armin Laschet as himself Larissa Laternser as herself Mojib Latif as himself Karl Lauterbach as himself Caren Lay as Herself - Die Linke Jens Lehmann as himself Hans Leyendecker as himself Lothar Liebsch as himself Matthias Lilienthal as himself Nathanael Liminski as himself Dagobert Lindlau as himself Christian Lindner as himself Martin Lindner as himself Martin Lindner as Himself - FDP Haifeng Ling as himself Manuel Lippka as himself Pierre Littbarski as himself Corny Littmann as himself Sascha Lobo as himself Barbara Lochbihler as herself Peter Lohmeyer as himself Fereshta Ludin as herself Fady Maalouf as himself Heiko Maas as himself Matthias Machnig as himself Rune Madrzejewski as himself Franz Maget as himself Norman Mailer as himself Wolfgang Mainz as himself Fredmund Malik as himself Werner Mang as himself Klaus Mangold as himself Regina Mannel as herself Helmut Markwort as himself Werner Marnette as himself Monika Maron as herself Anke Martiny as herself Alparslan Marx as himself Georg Mascolo as himself Henry Maske as himself Margarita Mathiopoulos as herself Ulrich Maurer as himself Miriam Meckel as herself Hartmut Meine as himself Angela Merkel as herself Friedrich Merz as himself Reinhold Messner as himself Christoph Metzelder as himself Oswald Metzger as himself Bernd Meurer as Himself - Arbeitgeberverband Ulrich Meyer as himself Laurenz Meyer as himself Wenzel Michalski as himself Andreas Michelmann as himself Meinhard Miegel as himself Fritz Mielert as himself Georg Milbradt as himself Walter Mixa as himself Ralf Moeller as himself Kathrin Moosdorf as herself Ruth Moschner as herself Andrea Nahles as herself Niels Nauhauser as himself Ingo Naujoks as himself Helmut Naujoks as himself Michael Naumann as himself Rupert Neudeck as himself Dirk Niebel as himself Dirk Niebel as Himself - FDP Kai Niebert as himself Wolfgang Niedecken as himself Elisabeth Niejahr as herself Axel Noack as himself Friedrich Nowottny as herself Friedrich Nowottny as himself Kay Oberbeck as himself Christine Oberpaur as herself Natascha Ochsenknecht as herself Arend Oetker as himself August Oetker as himself Hans Olaf Henkel as himself Dieter Ondracek as himself Michael Opoczynski as himself Thomas Oppermann as himself Oren Osterer as himself Uwe Ottersbach as himself Boris Palmer as himself Dimitra Panteli as herself Alexis Passadakis as himself Petra Pau as herself Gabriele Pauli as herself Emmanuel Peterfalvi as himself Werner Peters as himself Aribert Peters as himself Claus Peymann as himself Doris Pfeiffer as herself Christian Pfeiffer as himself Werner Pfennig as himself Thomas Pfister as himself Ernst Pfister as himself Erich Pipa as himself Ilona Plattner as herself Hasso Plattner as himself Matthias Platzeck as himself Fritz Pleitgen as himself Hanna Poddig as herself Ronald Pofalla as himself Ines Pohl as herself Ines Pohl as Herself - die tageszeitung Ruprecht Polenz as himself Verona Pooth as herself Ulf Poschardt as himself Alan Posener as himself Sabine Postel as herself Colin Powell as himself Avi Primor as himself Vladimir Putin as himself Thomas Quasthoff as himself Christian Rach as himself Lutz Raettig as himself Stefan Rahmstorf as himself Peter Ramsauer as himself Peter Rauen as himself Hubertus Regout as himself Otto Rehhagel as himself Marcel Reif as himself Martin Reinboth as himself Klaus Reinhardt as himself Martin Richenhagen as himself Kilian Ricken as himself Enja Riegel as herself Patricia Riekel as Herself - Bunte Harald Ringstorff as himself Herbert Rische as himself Albert Ritschl as himself Randolf Rodenstock as himself Michael Rogowski as himself Julia Rolwes as herself Hinrich Romeike as himself Sophie Rosentreter as herself Petra Roth as herself Claudia Roth as herself Dieter Roth as himself Elke Ruf as herself Franz Ruland as himself Fadi Saad as himself Mikhail Saakashvili as himself Katharina Saalfrank as herself Ute Sacksofsky as herself Krista Sager as herself Kemal Sahin as himself Suma Sarker as herself Shahida Sarker as herself Stefan Sauer as himself Heinrich Schafmeister as himself Wilfried Scharnagl as Himself - CSU Harald Schartau as himself Max Schautzer as himself Annette Schavan as herself Christine Scheel as herself Hermann Scheer as himself Manfred Schell as himself Sylvia Schenk as herself Christian Schenk as himself Henning Scherf as himself Christian Schertz as himself Randy Scheunemann as himself Otto Schily as himself Frank Schirrmacher as himself Rezzo Schlauch as himself Bernd Schmidbauer as himself Ulla Schmidt as herself Carsten Schneider as himself Werner Schneyder as himself Olaf Scholz as himself Friedrich Schorlemmer as himself Hermann Schreiber as himself Ottmar Schreiner as himself Jacob Schrot as himself Werner Schulz as himself Toni Schumacher as himself Hajo Schumacher as himself Harald Schumann as himself Gesine Schwan as herself Karsten Schwanke as himself Peter Schwark as himself Alice Schwarzer as herself Arnd Schwendy as himself Manuela Schwesig as herself Angie Sebrich as herself Brigitte Seebacher as herself Horst Seehofer as himself Michael Seewald as himself Rudolf Seiters as himself Rafael Seligmann as himself Thomas Selter as himself Thomas Selter as Himself - Verband Die Familienunternehmer Ekrem Senol as himself Siba Shakib as herself Eduard Shevardnadze as himself Frank Sieren as himself Carsten Simon as himself Heide Simonis as herself Ursula Sladek as herself Marietta Slomka as herself Peter Sodann as himself Noah Sow as herself Jens Spahn as himself Manfred Spitzer as himself Michael Spreng as himself Jochen Stay as himself Ralf Stegner as himself Erika Steinbach as herself Gabor Steingart as himself Gabor Steingart as Himself - Handelsblatt Joachim Steinhoefel as himself Carena Steuer as herself Christa Stewens as herself Ludwig Stiegler as himself Manfred Stolpe as himself Barbara Stolterfoht as herself Gerhard Strate as himself Cordula Stratmann as herself Peter Struck as himself Claus Strunz as himself Hans Sturhan as himself Aktham Suliman as Himself - Al-Jazeera Jutta Sundermann as Herself - attac Paulus Terwitte as himself Erwin Teufel as himself Johannes Teyssen as Himself - E.ON Klaus Theweleit as himself Christa Thiel as herself Wolfgang Thierse as himself Hans Tietmeyer as himself Ulrich Tilgner as himself Murat Topal as himself Peter Torry as himself Christian Ude as himself Bernd Ulrich as himself Frank Ulrich Montgomery as himself Hans Ulrich Wehler as himself Fritz Vahrenholt as Himself - RWE Paul Van Dyk as himself Herman van Veen as himself Waltraud Veronika Heyn as herself Michael Vesper as himself Johannes Vogel as himself Bernhard Vogel as himself Karsten Voigt as himself Jochen Volkert as himself Antje Vollmer as herself Ludger Volmer as himself Anna von Bayern as herself Ole von Beust as himself Ursula von der Leyen as herself Ursula von der Leyen as Herself - CDU Klaus von Dohnanyi as himself Klaus von Dohnanyi as Himself - SPD Eberhard von Gemmingen as himself Eckart von Hirschhausen as himself Gregor von Opel as himself Heinrich von Pierer as himself Marion Von Zur Gathen as herself Henning Voscherau as himself Sahra Wagenknecht as herself Lech Walesa as himself Martin Wansleben as himself Dieter Wedel as himself Beatrice Weder di Mauro as herself Wolfram Weimer as himself Ulrich Weisser as himself Oliver Welke as himself Jobst Wellensiek as himself Rainer Wend as himself Rainer Wendt as himself Guido Westerwelle as himself Guido Westerwelle as Himself - FDP Detlef Wetzel as himself Florian Wichelmann as himself Ulrich Wickert as himself Sarah Wiener as herself Franziska Wiethold as herself Harry Wijnvoord as himself Anne Will as herself Christian Winterbach as himself Matthias Wissmann as himself Luigi Wolf as himself Erwin Wolf as himself Mathias Wolfschmidt as himself Klaus Wowereit as himself Christian Wulff as himself Ranga Yogeshwar as himself Ranga Yogeshwar as Himself - ARD Muhammad Yunus as himself Juli Zeh as herself Danhong Zhang as herself Robert Zoellick as himself Robert Zollitsch as himself Stephanie zu Guttenberg as herself Klaus Zumwinkel as himself Christian Zuske as himself Brigitte Zypries as herself

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The cast of Paperchase in Berlin - 1989 includes: Jeremie Baudouin as Waiter Anna Clementi as Claudia Neil Farrelly as Sam Manuel Mandou as Dance Teacher Randy Rupley as Robert Katherine Sandy as Isabelle Mania Wodowoz as House Keeper

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Q: What actors and actresses appeared in Berlin Mitte - 1999?
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What actors and actresses appeared in Und in der Mitte der Erde war Feuer - 2013?

The cast of Und in der Mitte der Erde war Feuer - 2013 includes: Bernhard Hetzenauer Vera Kohn

What actors and actresses appeared in Mitte 30 - 2007?

The cast of Mitte 30 - 2007 includes: Charlotte Albrecht as Studentin Melanie Blocksdorf as Bankangestellte Silke Bodenbender as Sandra Lena Ehlers Carrie Grossman as Lucilla Stephan Grossmann as Seminarleiter Uta Kargel Anneke Kim Sarnau as Claudia Frings Peter Kraus as Herr Radenkowic Tommy Kreiselmaier as Student Martin Laue Clemens Schick as Produzent Michael Rafael Stachowiak Mark Waschke as Gerrit Frings Sabine Wreski as Trauergast Anian Zollner as Henning

What movie and television projects has Bobby Brederlow been in?

Bobby Brederlow has: Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Bobby Hopkins in "Rosamunde Pilcher" in 1993. Played Lars Reinke in "Alphateam - Die Lebensretter im OP" in 1997. Played Tim Brenner in "In aller Freundschaft" in 1998. Played Bobby Ackermann in "Liebe und weitere Katastrophen" in 1999. Performed in "Klinikum Berlin Mitte - Leben in Bereitschaft" in 2000. Played Bobby in "Bobby" in 2002. Played Rolf Weiher in "Tollpension" in 2006. Played Bobby Hopkins in "Four Seasons" in 2008.

What movie and television projects has Wolfgang Clement been in?

Wolfgang Clement has: Played himself in "Menschen hautnah" in 1994. Played himself in "Domian" in 1995. Performed in "Sabine Christiansen" in 1998. Played himself in "Sabine Christiansen" in 1998. Played himself in "Die Lotto-Show" in 1998. Played himself in "Beckmann" in 1999. Played himself in "Berlin Mitte" in 1999. Played Himself - RWE in "Hart aber fair" in 2001. Played himself in "Hart aber fair" in 2001. Played himself in "Gabi Bauer" in 2002. Played himself in "Menschen bei Maischberger" in 2003. Played himself in "Die Besten im Westen" in 2005. Played himself in "Im Rausch der Macht" in 2005. Played himself in "NeueWut" in 2005. Played himself in "Anne Will" in 2007. Played himself in "In Berlin" in 2009.

What movie and television projects has Maximilian Cress been in?

Maximilian Cress has: Played Lukas Brahms in "Unser Lehrer Doktor Specht" in 1992. Played Thomas Schwarz in "Die Kommissarin" in 1994. Played Sven Wallner in "Aus heiterem Himmel" in 1995. Played Eddie in "Lebenslang ist nicht genug" in 1997. Played Ben in "Freiflug" in 1998. Played Oliver Fessel in "Das Biest im Bodensee" in 1999. Played Fabian Pirck in "SOKO Leipzig" in 2001. Played Ritchie Kramberger in "Tom und die Biberbande" in 2001. Played Werner Welser in "Die Rosenheim-Cops" in 2002. Performed in "In der Mitte eines Lebens" in 2003.