The cast of Bachelorette Party Massacre - 2014 includes: Shandi Finnessey as Mara Andrea Lowell as Lindsey
The cast of My Bloody Bachelorette - 2014 includes: Vittorio Cortese as Linus Alexandra Crenian as Alex Marcus Goencz as Todd Amanda Lynn Juhl as Brigitte Kim Sakkal as Megan Rocco Salata as Albert Felicia Simone as Raquel Gillian Wetherald as Karen Sarah Winstanley as Terri
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Axe Massacre - 2015 includes: Andrew Roth
The cast of Massacre of the Innocents - 1940 includes: Hesheng Huang
The cast of Bachelorette - Die Traumfrau - 2004 includes: Monica Ivancan as Herself (2004) Arne Jessen as Himself - Host
The cast of Massacre on Mulch Mountain - 2006 includes: Ramburglar as Ramburglar
The cast of Zombie Massacre - 1998 includes: Gareth Murfin as News Reader
The cast of Machete Massacre - 2008 includes: Katy Dawes as Mrs. Appletree
The cast of Cuddle Party Massacre - 2010 includes: Sarah Grant as Muffy
The cast of Mountain Meadows Massacre - 2001 includes: Marvin Payne as Host
The cast of The Fox Hill Massacre - 2014 includes: Richard Gunn as (rumored)
The cast of Four to Midnight - 2013 includes: Mary Chrambanis as Caroline (Bachelorette Party Massacre) Willow Csulik as Peaches (Boom Boom Dolls) Trisha Graybill as Nails (Boom Boom Dolls) Brian Henkel as Cletus (Boom Boom Dolls) Paul Hillbish as Chip Longwood (Bachelorette Party Massacre) William James Kelly as Jebodiah Straw (Boom Boom Dolls) Brianna June Tillo as Judy (Wicked, Wicked, World) Carrie Leigh Snodgrass as Tabitha (Bachelorette Party Massacre) Kimberly Niles as Mayday (Boom Boom Dolls) Robin Niles as Mindy (Bachelorette Party Massacre) Woody Petrie as Orderly Doyle (Boom Boom Dolls) Jenna Wolf as Lucy (The Infernal)
The cast of Sawtooth Massacre - 2013 includes: Kristie Bramer as Alice Michael Merchant as Man
The cast of The Silent Massacre - 2014 includes: Anthony Michael Leone Kambra Potter as Heather