The cast of The First 48 - 2004 includes: Joe Abdella as Himself - Detroit F.A.S.T. Joe Abdella as Himself - Detroit PD Joe Abdella as Himself - F.A.S.T. Unit, Detroit PD Joe Abdella as Himself - Sergeant Frazer Adams as himself Frazer Adams as Himself - Detroit Homicide Jovy Aguirre as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Mark Ahearn as himself Mark Ahearn as Himself - Dallas Homicide Abraham Alanis as Himself - Harris County Homicide Demarcus Alexander as Himself - Shooting Suspect Trish Allen as Herself - Officer Richard Alleyne as Himself - Miami PD Ivan Almeida as Himself - Latent Print Examiner Danny Alpiger as Himself - Louisville Homicide William Anderson III as Himself - Detroit Homicide Mark Anglin as Himself - DeKalb County Forensic Investigator Jo Ann Kinney as herself Jo Ann Kinney as himself Jo Ann Miller as Herself - Detroit Homicide Lee Ann Oehler as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Lee Ann Oehler as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide Jamaal Ansari as Himself - Cleveland Homicide Erika Anthony as Herself - Birmingham Homicide Armando Aquilar as himself Toney Armstrong as himself Toney Armstrong as Himself - Lieutenant Toney Armstrong as Himself - Memphis Homicide Andy Arostegui as Himself - Miami Cold Case Robert Arredondo as himself Bill Ashton as himself William Ashton as Himself - Memphis Homicide Ron Avant as Himself - Cincinnati PD Everett Babcock as himself Everett Babcock as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Pete Bailey as Himself - Dallas Deployment Unit Kurt Ballman as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Kurt Ballman as Himself - Detective Troy Banks as himself Danny Barham as Himself - Memphis PD Robin Bass as himself Robin Bass as Himself - Detective Eddie Bass as Himself - Memphis Homicide Eddie Bass as Himself - Sergeant Robin Bass as Himself - Sgt. Andy Beach as Himself - Dallas County A.D.A. Ben Beall as Himself - Harris County Homicide Roderick Beasley as Himself - Louisville PD Raymond Beaudreault as himself Raymond Beaudreault as Himself - Sergeant Cameron Beedle as Himself - Homewood PD Orlando Benitez as himself Orlando Benitez as Himself - Miami Homicide Daniel Bernabe as himself Marcus Berryman as Himself - Memphis CSI Andy Betancourt as Himself - CSI Andy Betancourt as Himself - Miami PD Andy Betancourt as Himself -Miami PD Dwane Blackmon as Himself - Detroit Homicide Boux Bland as Himself - Dallas PD Kenneth Blank as Himself - Dallas PD Rob Blehm as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Rob Blehm as Himself - KCMO Homicide Bill Boldin as Himself - US Marshall Trevor Bonner as Himself - CSI Fernando Bosch as himself Fernando Bosch as Himself - Detective Fernando Bosch as Himself - Miami Homicide Derrell Branch as himself Derrell Branch as Himself - Detective Terry Brandon as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Joe Briede as himself Joe Briede as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Joe Briede as Himself - Sergeant Roy Bristow as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Roy Bristow as Himself - Detective LaTonya Brooks as Herself - Detroit Homicide Bruce Brueggeman as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Roslyn Buckner as Herself - Officer John Buhrmaster as himself John Buhrmaster as Himself - Lieutenant John Buhrmaster as Himself - Miami Homicide John Buhrmaster as Himself -Miami Homicide Jessica Burton as herself Linnell Burton as Herself - DeKalb County Crime Scene Unit Jessica Burton as Herself - Sgt. Rupert Butcher as Himself - CSI Rupert Butcher as Himself - Finger Print Expert Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Finger Print Tech Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Fingerprint Tech Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Print Examiner Rupert Butcher as Himself - Latent Print Expert Rupert Butcher as Himself - Miami PD Latent Print Examiner Denny Butler as Himself - Louisville Homicide Denny Butler as Himself - Sergeant Stephen Cabler as Himself - Harris County Polygraph Examiner Andy Caceras as himself Corey Cadwell as Himself - Detective Cythia Calhoun as Herself - Latent Print Examiner (Birmingham) Shawn Carrizal as Himself - Harris County Homicide Debo Carson as herself Debo Carson as Herself - Memphis Homicide Debo Carson as Herself - Sergeant Carl Caruso as Himself - Detective Carlos Castellanos as himself Carlos Castellanos as Himself - Detective Carlos Castellanos as Himself - Miami Homicide Manny Castillo as himself Manny Castillo as Himself - Detective Manny Castillo as Himself - Miami Homicide Bruce Chamberlain as Himself - Dallas Homicide Bruce Chamberlain as Himself - Detective Cecilia Charron as herself Marty Chitwood as Himself - Kansas City, MO Police Satish Chundru as Himself - Medical Examiner Roger Clemons as Himself - Detroit Homicide Craig Clopton as Himself - Harris County Homicide Micky Cohn as Himself - Detective Mickey Cohn as Himself - Louisville Homicide Mickey Cohn as Himself - Louisville Metro Homicide Mickey Cohn as Himself - Louisville Metro Homocide Gary Conner as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Garry Connor as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Eunice Cooper as herself Eunice Cooper as Herself - Detective Eunice Cooper as Herself - Miami Homicide Eunice Cooper as Herself - Sergeant Dave Corlett as himself Warren Cotton as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Carl Counti as himself Don Crowe as Himself - Lieutenant Aaron Crowell as Himself - Louisville Homicide Aaron Crowell as Himself - Louisville Metro Homicide James Curless as Himself - Lieutenant James Currin as himself James Currin as Himself - Sgt. Linus Curtis as Himself - Suspect (The Ring) Robert Dance as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD Stacey Davenport as Herself - Louisville Crime Scene Unit Cedric Davis as Himself - Lieutenant Ernestine Davison as himself Julia De La Garza as Herself - Medical Examiner Manny De La Torriente as himself Manny De La Torriente as Himself - Detective Carlos De Los Santos as himself Mario De Los Santos as himself Mario De Los Santos as Himself - Detective Mario De Los Santos as Himself - Miami Homicide Carlos De Los Santos as Himself - Miami Homicide Carlos De Los Santos as Himself - Sergeant Carlos De Los Santos as Himself - Sgt. William Delancy as Himself - CSI Willard Delancy as Himself - CSI Willard Delancy as Himself - Miami PD Jeleni Dew as Himself - Detroit PD Gary Diaz as Himself - Detroit Homicide Tammy Diedrich as herself Tammy Diedrich as Herself - Minneapolis Homicide Tammy Diedrich as Herself - Sergeant Sallie Dillian as herself John Dorer as Himself - Detective John Dorer as Himself - Tucson Homicide Pat Dorn as himself Eddie Douglas as himself Jermaine Douglas as Himself - Miami Homicide James Dousay as Himself - Harris County Homicide Jeff Downing as himself Kristen Downs as herself Kristen Downs as Herself - Detective Kristen Downs as Herself - Louisville Homicide Ken Ducker as himself Rick Duggan as himself Rick Duggan as Himself - Dallas Homicide Rick Duggan as Himself - Detective Nancy Dunlap as herself Nancy Dunlap as Herself - Minneapolis Homicide Barbara Eckert as herself Barbara Eckert as Herself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Barbara Eckert as Herself - Sergeant Paul Ellzey as himself Paul Ellzey as Himself - Dallas Homicide Paul Ellzey as Himself - Detective Larry Elmhurst as Himself - Latent Fingerprint Examiner Larry Elmhurst as Himself - Miami Latent Print Examiner Rich Emberlin as Himself - Senior Corporal Darren Emfinger as Himself - Fugitive Apprehension Unit Tim Entenok as Himself - Cleveland Homicide Bob Ermatinger as himself Bob Ermatinger as Himself - Dallas Homicide Bob Ermatinger as Himself - Detective Jacqueline Exceus as Herself - Miami PD Keith Fangman as Himself - Officer Frank Fede as Himself - Cincinnati PD Dave Feldhaus as himself Dave Feldhaus as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Dave Feldhaus as Himself - Detective Alex Femenia as Herself - Detective Alex Femenia as himself Alex Femenia as Himself - Detective Laz Fernandez as Himself - CSI Lance Fernandez as Himself - CSI Lazaro Fernandez as Himself - CSI Alberto Fernandez as Himself - Miami PD Frank Fey as Himself - CSI Timothy Firchau as Himself - Detroit Homicide Blair Fitch as Himself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Eno Fite as Herself - Dallas Homicide Bruce Folkens as himself Marquis Fomby as Himself - U.S. Marshall Ervens Ford as Herself - Detective Ervens Ford as himself Ervens Ford as Himself - Detective Ervens Ford as Himself - Miami Homicide Ervens Ford as Himself - Sergeant Erick Fors as himself Domenic Frontino as Himself - Graphic Arts Unit Laura Fulginiti as Herself - Medical Examiner Aura Fynes as Herself - Miami PD Christopher Gaiters as himself Christopher Gaiters as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Christopher Gaiters as Himself - Sergeant Christopher Gaiters as Himself - Sgt. Cindy Galamba as Herself - Medical Examiner Ken Gardener Angela Garrison as Herself - Kansas City, KS Homicide Gil Garza as Himself - Detective Gil Garza as Himself - Sergeant Nathan Gathright as Himself - Finger Print Tech. Greg Gehring as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Greg Gehring as Himself - Detective Pat Genovese as Himself - Fingerprint Expert Fernando George as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Roger Gilubski as himself Kevin Gladden as Himself - Dallas PD Matthew Gnatek as Himself - Detroit Homicide Larry Godwin as himself Rod Golding as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Rod Golding as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide Russell Gonzales as Himself - Harris County Homicide Chiqui Gonzalez as himself Confesur Gonzalz as himself Confesur Gonzalz as Himself - Miami Homicide Confesur Gonzalz as Himself - Sergeant Dion Graham Dion Graham as Himself - Narrator Dion Graham as Narrator Jose Granado as himself Jose Granado as Himself - Miami Homicide Jose Granado as Himself - Sergeant Jose Granado as Himself - Sgt. Chris Granger as himself Daniel Guell as Himself - Miami PD Tracy Gutterman as herself Byron Guynn as Himself - Officer Armando Guzman as Himself - Miami Special Operations Linda Haley as Herself - Harris County Latent Print Examiner Deron Hall as Himself - Cincinnati PD Gordy Hampton as Himself - Detroit Homicide Barry Hanks as himself Barry Hanks as Himself - Memphis Homicide Bill Hanson as himself Bill Hanson as Himself - Tucson Homicide Jeff Hanus as himself Kevin Hanus as Himself - Detroit Homicide Jeff Hanus as Himself - Sgt. Mamie Hardy as herself Bo Hardy as Himself - Memphis Aviation Unit Herman Harris as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Tim Harshbarger as Himself - Detective Jill Haslam as herself Jimmy Hawthorne as Himself - Detroit Homicide Tim Helldorfer as himself Tim Helldorfer as Himself - Memphis Homicide Tim Helldorfer as Himself - Sergeant Michael Hellerman as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Dionne Henderson as Herself - Secretary, Memphis PD Tomas Hernandez as Himself - Suspect David Herron as Himself - Suspect Kurt Hibbets as Himself - U.S. Marshall Kurt Hibbets as Himself - US Marshall Bill Hilbert as himself Bill Hilbert as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Bill Hilbert as Himself - Detective Cordell Hines as Himself - Suspect Herman Hinton as Himself - Birmingham PD Mike Hobel as himself Donie Hoffman as herself Lionel Holliday as Himself - Harris County CSU Billy Holmes as Himself - Detective John Holthusen as himself John Holthusen as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Lee Huelsenbeck as Himself - F.A.S.T. Unit Detroit Amelia Huffman as herself Jim Hughs as Himself - Detective Eric Hutchison as himself Vern Huth as himself Eddie Ibarra as himself Eddie Ibarra as Himself - Dallas Homicide Eddie Ibarra as Himself - Detective Hector Infante as Himself - CSI Hector Infante as Himself - Miami PD Latiss Irons as Himself - Suspect Jody Jacobs as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Jody Jacobs as Himself - Detective Cliff Jewell as himself Mo Jimenez as Himself - Sergeant Ricardo John as Himself - Detective Ricardo John as Himself - Miami Homicide Lanesha Jones as herself Lanesha Jones as Herself - Sgt. Kari Jorganson as himself Connie Justice as herself Connie Justice as Herself - Memphis Homicide Connie Justice as Herself - Sergeant Chris Karakostas as himself Rafal Kawiorski as Himself - Miami Homicide Bill Kelhower as Himself - Detective Kathi Kelley as herself Kathi Kelley as Herself - Tucson Homicide Barry Kennamer as Himself - Birmingham Crime Reduction Team Tanya King as Herself - Investigator Collin King as Himself - Louisville Homicide Collin King as Himself - Louisville Metro Homocide Joanne Kinney as herself Keith Kirchhoff as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Gary Kirkpatrick as himself Ann Kjos as Herself - Minneapolis Homicide Ann Kjos as Herself - Sergeant Darcy Klund as himself Patrick Kotecki as Himself - Sergeant Barbara Kozloff as Herself - Detroit Homicide Kyle Krewn as Himself - Detective Dan Krieter as Himself - Physical Evidence Wayne Kuhlman as Himself - Harris County Homicide Tommy Kulesa as himself Tommy Kulesa as Himself - Detective Alexander Kump as Himself - Detective Brian Kuriger as Himself - Detective Irma Labrice as Herself - Sergeant Leroy Larose as Himself - Offender Robert Laurenceau as himself Dane Lawrence as Himself - Video Forensic Technician (Louisville) Ray Lenoir as Himself - Detective Ray Lenoir as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Emma Lew as herself Emma Lew as Herself - Medical Examiner Emma Lew as Herself - Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Jeffery Lewis as himself Doug Lindle as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Doug Lindle as Himself - Detective Bob Liston as himself Bob Liston as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Randy Loboda as himself Randy Loboda as Himself - Dallas Homicide Randy Loboda as Himself - Detective Vickie Logan as Herself - DeKalb County Special Victims Unit Myron Love as Himself - Detroit Homicide Leon Lubiejewski as Himself - Detective Fignole Lubin as Himself - Miami Homicide Jenny Luke as Herself - Cincinnati Homicide Jenny Luke as himself Dale Lundberg as Himself - Dallas Homicide Dale Lundberg as Himself - Detective Kevin Lundy as himself Kevin Lundy as Himself - Memphis Homicide Kevin Lundy as Himself - Sergeant Dan Lusty as himself Dan Lusty as Himself - Dallas Homicide Dan Lusty as Himself - Detective Kelly Maguire as Herself - Field Agent Susan Manassah as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Jeff Maness as himself Jeff Maness as Himself - Memphis Homicide Dominic Mangoni as Himself - Detective Lisa Mangum as Herself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Joe Marinella as himself Joe Marinella as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Patricia Marnett as Herself - Detective Leigh Maroni as Herself - Detective Leigh Maroni as Herself - Louisville Homicide Leigh Maroni as Himself - Detective Michael Martel as himself Gil Martin as Himself - CSI Caroline Mason as herself Caroline Mason as Herself - Memphis Homicide Caroline Mason as Herself - Sergeant Caroline Mason as Herself - Sgt. Caroline Mason as himself Terry Mast as Himself - Detective Alfredo Matias as Himself - Miami PD Keegan Maull as Himself - Suspect (Last Drive) Carl Mauterer as Himself - Alabama Dept. of Forensic Science Terry Max as himself Terry Max as Himself - Memphis Homicide Sharon Maybon as herself Marcia McCleary as Herself - Evidence Tech Alex McCollum as himself Jacoby McCoy as Himself - Friend of Victim (Stepping Up Segment) Gary McFadden as Himself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Terry McGuffey as himself Terry McGuffey as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Norma McKee as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Marshall McLemore as himself Marshall McLemore as Himself - Dallas CSI Latrelle McNairy as herself Joe McNulty as Himself - Dallas Homicide Joe McNulty as Himself - Detective Keith McQuilkin as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Bo McSwain as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Sherri Meisel as Herself - Detective Louis Melancon as Herself - Sergeant Louis Melancon as himself Louis Melancon as Himself - Miami Homicide Tim Melbourne as Himself - Sergeant Tim Melbourne as Himself - Tucson PD Troy Meyer as Himself - Officer: Tactical Unit Bill Michael as Himself - Kansas City, KS Homicide Tony Miguelez as himself Tony Miguelez as Himself - Detective Priscilla Miller as Herself - CSI Priscilla Miller as Herself - Miami PD Jack Millward as himself Jack Millward as Himself - Sergeant Jennifer Mitsch as Herself - Cincinnati Homicide Gerardo Monreal as Himself - Dallas PD Esteban Montenegro as Himself - Dallas Homicide Milton Montes de oca as himself Romero Moran as Himself - Sergeant Charles Moreland as himself John Morell as himself John Morell as Himself - Detroit Homicide Mayree Morin as herself Mayree Morin as Herself - Detective Michael Morrin as Himself - Lieutenant Field Morton as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Dudley Mosworthy as Himself - Officer Reinhard Motte as Himself - Medical Examiner Tony Mullins as herself Kelly Mullins as Herself - Detroit Homicide Tony Mullins as himself Tony Mullins as Himself - Memphis Homicide Tony Mullins as Himself - Sergeant Tony Mullins as Himself - Sgt. Dennis Mumford as Himself - Detective Roxann Murray as Herself - Birmingham CSU Vivian Murray as Herself - Memphis Homicide Dave Needham as Himself - Detective Merilyn Nelson as herself Mariline Nelson as Herself - Detective Fabrice Nelson as Himself - CSI Fabrice Nelson as Himself - Miami CSI Rusty Neville as Himself - Cincinnati PD Doug Niemeier as himself Doug Niemeier as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Doug Niemeier as Himself - KCMO Homicide Doug Niemeier as Himself - Sergeant Sam Noblitt as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Sam Noblitt as Himself - Sergeant Paul Noel as Himself - Officer Joe Noguera as Himself - Harris County Crime Scene Unit Joe Noguera as Himself - Harris County CSU Brian Nunn as Himself - Sergeant Mitch Oliver as himself Mitch Oliver as Himself - Memphis Homicide Mitch Oliver as Himself - Sergeant Dale Ordogne as himself Steve Orona as Himself - Detective Manuel Orsa as himself Dave Osorio as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide George Pajor as Himself - Detroit PD Henry Palacios as Himself - Harris County Homicide Roderick Passmore as himself Roderick Passmore as Himself - Miami Homicide David Pauch as himself David Pauch as Himself - Detroit PD Joe Peel as Himself - Memphis Homicide Joe Peel as Himself - Sergeant Charles Pelts as Himself - Dallas PD Laura Penrod as Herself - Detective Ken Penrod as himself Ken Penrod as Himself - Dallas Homicide Darin Penrod as Himself - Detective Ken Penrod as Himself - Detective Fidel Perez as Himself - Detective Ramiro Perez as Himself - Suspect Joseph Petkac as Himself - Fugitive Task Force John Piakis as Himself - Forensic Dentist Kelly Pike as Himself - Tucson Homicide Greg Pinkins as Himself - Harris County Homicide Nathania Polak as Herself - Detective Freddy Ponce as himself Freddy Ponce as Himself - Detective Freddy Ponce as Himself - Miami Homicide Cory Pool as Himself - Harris County Homicide Luis Porras as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Scott Praytor as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Tim Purdy as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Tim Purdy as Himself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD Mundy Quinn as Himself - Memphis Homicide Mundy Quinn as Himself - Sergeant Mario Quintanilla as Himself - Harris County Homicide Bart Ragland as himself Bart Ragland as Himself - Memphis Homicide Phil Rainwater as Himself - Charlotte Mecklenburg Homicide Tommy Raley as Himself - Dallas Homicide Tommy Raley as Himself - Detective Lorena Ramirez as Herself - Miami Homicide Bob Randolph as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide James Raynard as Himself - Cleveland Homicide Mark Rewalt as himself Kris Reynolds as Herself - Forensic Scientist (Minneapolis) Luna Rocha as Himself - Suspect Darrell Rocker as himself David Rockett as Himself - Birmingham Crime Scene Unit Sandy Rodriguez as herself Mike Rojas as Himself - Miami Homicide Olga Rome as herself Olga Rome as Herself - Detective Jeremy Rosenthal as himself Jeremy Rosenthal as Himself - Detective Ken Rossiter as Himself - Detective Archie Rudd as himself Kevin Ruggiero as herself Kathleen Ruggiero as Herself - Detective Kevin Ruggiero as himself Kevin Ruggiero as Himself - Detective Kevin Ruggiero as Himself - Miami Homicide John Rusinque as Himself - Miami Homicide Vikki Saine as herself Ross Salverino as Himself - Sgt. Frankie Sanchez as Himself - Miami Homicide Susan Sarvis as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homicide Susan Sarvis as Herself - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Homocide Scott Sayers as himself Scott Sayers as Himself - Dallas Homicide Scott Sayers as Himself - Detective Jeff Schare as himself Jeff Schare as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Jason Schecterle as Himself - Detective Joe Schillaci as himself Joe Schillaci as Himself - Sergeant Mike Scoggins as Himself - Dallas Homicide Dwight Scrutchin as Himself - Evidence Tech John Shallue as Himself - Detective Scott Shea as Himself - Detroit Homicide Charles Sherek as Himself - Detective Lynn Shuler as Himself - DeKalb County Major Felony Unit Ernie Sierra as Himself - Miami Detective Rene Sigala as himself Rene Sigala as Himself - Dallas Homicide Ronnie Simpson as Himself - Lieutenant Constance Slappey as Herself - Detroit Homicide Mike Smallman as himself Roy Stalvey as Himself - Louisville Homicide Steve Steinbach as himself Keith Steinbach as Himself - Kansas City, MO Homicide Greg Stopcynski as Himself - Officer Ellen Sue Venzer as Herself - Judge William Suter as Himself - Cincinnati PD Brian Tabor as Himself - Dallas Homicide Brian Tabor as Himself - Detective Emiliano Tamayo as himself Emiliano Tamayo as Himself - Detective Emiliano Tamayo as Himself - Miami Homicide Armando Tamez as Himself - Harris County Crime Stoppers Unit John Tanks as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Rafael Tapanes as himself Leo Tapanes as himself Leo Tapanes as Himself - Detective Leo Tapanes as Himself - Miami Homicide Dirk Tarpley as Himself - FBI Frank Theye as Himself - CSI Frank Theye as Himself - Miami CSI Frank Theye as Himself - Miami PD Dwayne Thompson as himself Dwayne Thompson as Himself - Dallas Homicide Chris Thomsen as himself Chris Thomsen as Himself - Minneapolis Homicide Scott Thurmond as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Scott Thurmond as Himself - Sergeant Eric Torrence as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Eric Torrence as Himself - Detective Javier Trabazo as Himself - Officer Kevin Trees Kevin Trees as Himself - Louisville Homicide Brian Trotta as Himself - Cincinnati PD Sal Tufano as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Bob Turcot as himself Karen Vance as herself Maria Varker as herself Maria Varker as Herself - Dallas PD Colin Vaughn as himself Colin Vaughn as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Mike Vega as Himself - Detective Mo Velasquez as Himself - Sergeant Moises Velazquez as Himself - Detective Moises Velazquez as Himself - Sergeant Matthew Vertheim as himself Juan Viramontes as Himself - Harris County Homicide Steven Voisin as Himself - Harris County Forensic Video Unit Steven Voisin as Himself - Technical Investigator Marcel Walker as Himself - Birmingham Homicide Marcel Walker as Himself - Detective Jerry Wallerich as himself Jerry Wallerich as Himself - Sergeant Roger Wedgeworth as Himself - Harris County Homicide Gerhard Wehr as himself Gerhard Wehr as Himself - Sergeant Brenda Wescott as Herself - Detective Brenda Wescott as Herself - Louisville Homicide Brenda Wescott as Herself - Louisville Metro Homicide Eddie Wescott as himself Johnell White as Himself - Detroit Homicide Jennifer Whitfield as Herself - Detective Jennifer Whitfield as Herself - Tucson Homicide Keith Wilke as Himself - Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force Barry Wilkerson Barry Wilkerson as Himself - Lieutenant Barry Wilkerson as Himself - Louisville Homicide Barry Wilkerson as Himself - Louisville Metro Homocide Kyle Willett as Himself - Detective Kyle Willett as Himself - Louisville Homicide Torey Williams as Herself - Alabama Dept. of Forensic Science Altarr Williams as himself Altarr Williams as Himself - Miami Homicide Altarr Williams as Himself - Sergeant Tavares Williams as Himself - Shooting Suspect Ernie Wilson as himself Avon Wilson as Himself - CSI Ernie Wilson as Himself - Detroit Homicide Keith Witherell as himself Dennis Wolfford as Himself - Harris County Homicide Marlon Wright as Himself - CSI Arnold Yang as Himself - CSI Jerry Yarbough as Himself - CSU Arnold Yem as Himself - CSI Michael Yeric as Himself - Dallas Homicide Mike Zwick as Himself - Cincinnati Homicide Chuck Zwicker as Himself - Detroit Homicide Chuck Zwicker as Himself - Officer Mike Zwike as himself
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The cast of After the First 48 - 2008 includes: Robert Arredondo as Himself - Detective Gabriel Carnell as Himself - Defendant Craig Clopton as himself Michael Colich as Himself - Defense Atty. Tammy Diedrich as Herself - Sergeant Therese Galatowitsch as Herself - Assistant County Atty. Dion Graham as Narrator Phillip Linder as Himself - Defense Attorney Marc Moffitt as Himself - County Assistant D.A. Charles Rebstock as Himself - County Investigator Dwayne Thompson as Himself - Detective Terrance Windham as Himself - Harris County Assistant District Attorney Tammy Worley as Herself - Witness
The cast of Abimbowe - 2008 includes: Aurora Villanueva as Agustina
The cast of Rhia - 2008 includes: Sobia Parveen as Girl
The cast of Wasps - 2008 includes: James Cadden Codie Mclachlan
The cast of Purple Mountain - 2008 includes: Michelle Yeoh
The cast of Chiamiamole... adolescenti - 2008 includes: Alex Magni