The cast of A Visit with Truman Capote - 1966 includes: Truman Capote as himself
The cast of Vani - 1943 includes: Pandharibai
The cast of Iskrokotoy - 1981 includes: Panchito
The cast of Premagni - 2001 includes: Ravichandran
The cast of Senathipati - 1996 includes: Satyaraj
The cast of Minnalkodi - 1937 includes: Gogia Pasha
The cast of Muenchhausen - 2010 includes: Capote
The cast of The Truman and Otis Show - 2014 includes: James Acraman as Truman
The cast of Rosalinda - 1981 includes: Tatiana Capote Grecia Colmenares as Rosalinda
The cast of Marisela - 1984 includes: Tatiana Capote as Marisela Pedro Lander
The cast of Adriana - 1985 includes: Tatiana Capote Hazel Leal Carlos Mata
The cast of El Capote de paseo - 1927 includes: Manuel Montenegro Agripina Ortega Clotilde Romero Elisa Ruiz Romero
The cast of The Thanksgiving Visitor - 1967 includes: Truman Capote as Narrator Neil Fitzgerald Michael Kearney as Buddy Joy Nicholson Geraldine Page as Sook Hansford Rowe III as Odd henderson Georgia Simmons
The cast of The Deadbeats - 2013 includes: Jack Truman
The cast of The Hermit - 2014 includes: Jack Truman as The Hermit
The cast of Woody the Redneck - 2012 includes: Jack Truman
The cast of Rebeca - 1985 includes: Tatiana Capote as Rebeca Chony Fuentes Jonathan Montenegro as Luisito Rosario Prieto
The cast of La maja del capote - 1944 includes: Juan Calvo Estrellita Castro Manuel del Pozo Manuel Requena Jacinto San Emeterio Carmen Vargas