To my ears, Chris Martin sings in a falsetto reminiscent of Betty Boop. Actually, I think even Betty Boop sang about two to three octaves lower than Chris Martin.
Between that and the mind-numbingly tame, mopey elevator Muzak the vocals are set to, listening to Coldplay is uncannily similar to listening to a dying heroin addict try to give a concert.
Chris Martin was born on March 2, 1977
Chris Martin was and is still married to Gwyneth Paltrow.
Vocal colour- the subtle distinction or variation in style that gives music it's characteristics and expression vocally.
they are both brothers and they do look like twins but martin is actually one of the episodes of zombobmafoo chris did not have his wedding ring on.but martin did........o.O -
Gwyneth Paltrow
The lead singer of Coldplay is Chris Martin.
Cristina Scabbie vocal style is Contralto.
No, Chris Martin is not single.
Chris Martin
Chris Martin's kids' names are Apple Martin and Moses Martin.
Chris Martin is the lead vocals of Coldplay. His wife is famous because she is married to Chris Martin.
Chris Martin was born on March 2, 1977
Chris Martin has 2 children
No. Chris Martin is not leaving Coldplay.
Yes, Chris Martin has 2 kids.
Chris Martin is the lead vocals of Coldpaly.
no they are not chris is 42 and martin is 46