Alfred Hitchcock
The show revolves around the lives of the survivors of a plane crash. The plane crashes on a tropical island. The show chronicles their survival.
The show Blue's Clues had a character named Blue.
Monica Fine was not a character on the show.
The character Nan is linked to the show Catherine Tate because Nan is a character on the show. Nan is portrayed as a foul mouthed grandmother who constantly criticizes others.
Her character already had izzy when she started the show.
Here's a link to show you all of the ways an author can describe their characters!
The character Tony Soprano from the TV show "The Sopranos" was famous for saying "shut your pie-hole." The line became a memorable catchphrase associated with the character's tough and direct personality.
Alfred Hitchcock
It is a character who appears to show how the main character has changed.To show how a main character changes. appears to show how a primary character has changed.- APEX
The character Julia did not die on the show Nip/Tuck. Julia has been in all seasons of the show, though her appearance started to dwindle in later seasons.
Ashley Leggat plays Casey McDonald on the show, Life with Derek. She was born on September 26, 1986. Her character was 15 when the show started.
To show character you should describe the personality.
A rolling presentation is a slide show that once started does not need the slides changed manually they change on a timer to fit what the presenter is saying.
It's possible that the show you are talking about was Orphan Black. That show features a main character with a lot of "sisters," so that line would be very typical, and the black paint wouldn't be out of character for other costars.
Anything where you show something happening instead of just saying that it happened. You can show a character's emotions by the way they speak, act, look, and respond -- or you can just tell "he was sad." Showing is usually more vivid than telling.