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im pretty sure haku doesnt get revived but i would like it if he does

he was revived in chapter 520, I'm not sure what ep. it was though

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Haku is "revived" by Kabuto's Summoning: Impure World Resurrection from Shippuden episode #265 onwards.

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Q: What Naruto Shippuden episode is Haku revived?
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Does Haku come up in Naruto Shippuden?

No she died when Kakashi dide lighining blade in the old naruto

Does haku ever come back later in Naruto Shippuden?

No, he died in early Part I ...

What episode did haku meet naruto as a girl?

Actually, he does meet naruto in episode 12 and they battled in episode 14-15 or somewhere near that.

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no because so far in the manga and episode sasuke is bad i'm not saying he will always be evil

How old would Haku be today in Shippuden?

I think he would be 30 or 31 if she didn't die from naruto kakashi and Sasuke the Same Age as Zabuza I think

Is Haku male or female?

Male Haku was being referred as Male in all of the Naruto episodes. If Haku was female, and they were wrong in the first time they said that Haku was male, then they should have referred to him as a she in another episodes. wikis and encyclopedias said that Haku was male. Haku's voice sounded like a boy's voice when the episode showed his flashback of being a child before Zabuza adopted him.

Is Haku gay?

It never reveals if Haku is gay or not. Some think that by the way he dresses, looks and talks that he is gay. And he is voiced by a female. However, none of his actions prove this to be true. But because of him having hearts at the end of some of his sentences to Zabuza in the manga, there is a small possibility that he may be gay, but it is certainly not a big possibility.

Which Naruto Shippuden episodes is Sasuke in?

The first time was episode 109, where Sasuke was just about to leave Konoha to get more power from Orochimaru because he thought he was too weak, after being defeated by the Sound Four. Sakura found him and cries that he is going to betray Konoha and offers to come with him. Sasuke refuses the offer and his final words before leaving are "Sakura, thank you for everything". He then knocks Sakura out cold and she falls to a bench.

What is the name of the episode when haku dies?

He dies in Naruto episode 18- The Weapons Known as Shinobi

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What episode did naruto get evi kyuubil?

It was sealed into him in episode one. He first unleashed it in the episode where Haku nearly killed Sasuke. He first spoke to the Kyuubi during his training with Jiraiya before the chuunin finals.

Who was first showing dying in naruto?
