Oh, there are so many movies with names in the title! I'll start with the male named ones that I can think of:
That's as many as I can think of right now but I'm sure if you Google it, the world of Internet users will provide much, much more.
"Harold and Maude" (1971)
"Alfie" (1966 and 2004)
"Jeremiah Johnson" (1972)
"Drop Dead Fred" (1991)
Tarzan, Gulivers Travels.
im looking for a film not so long ago maybe about a year ago its About a Boy who has magic
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle (1967)
Four brothers, Step Brother and The Brother from Another Planet are some of the movies with the word Brother in their title.
where you go to the movies and it is 1 dollar
i am legend?
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003).
crouching tiger
Children of the Corn
Father Goose
Sucker punch