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"Boom Town" (1940)

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Q: What Movie was Clark Gable in as a oil man?
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What is the movie in this movie a man is on a quest through the desert when he comes across a man soaking his legs in oil when asked why he is doing it the man answers because they only get in the way?

Sounds weird. Could it be "El Topo" ?

What has the author Clark Fred Barb written?

Clark Fred Barb has written: 'Oil-field waters of Pennsylvania' -- subject(s): Oil field brines, Oil fields

Where is oil cap located on clark cgc25 forklift?

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Lewis and Clark - 1981 Oil 1-8 was released on: USA: 2 January 1982

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Is oil man made?

Only synthetic oil is man-made.

Hydrolic Oil resevroir on a Clark forklift?

Yes it does have an oil reservoir Pretty much all equipment with hydraulics have a reservoir.

What has the author Karl A Clark written?

Karl A. Clark has written: 'The bituminous sands of Alberta' -- subject(s): Mines and mineral resources, Oil sands

What has the author Clark F Barb written?

Clark F. Barb has written: 'Production data on Appalachian oil fields' -- subject(s): Petroleum

Can oil be created by man?

Man can create 'synthetic' oil, we can also grow crops to make 'vegetable' oil.