The iphone is a great phone to buy but is so exspensive so i recomend the LG cookie! Its amazing ive had mine for a year and ive never had a problem with it! I love it and you will to!
ans2. The half-life of a phone model is about 18 months or so. The phone will still work fine for years, but new and better ones will arrive.
Because of the half-life problem, when buying new electronics, don't buy more power and functions than you have present need for.
It's rather like in Alice in Wonderland "Why, here you have to run fast just to stay in the same place." I'd hate to be a consumer electronics designer.
It would depend on what kind of phone you like.
If you like texting, the Samsung Gravity T is a good choice.
If you like touch phones, the obvious pick is Apple's iPhone(4). (My Personal Favorite.)
If you don't care for extra stuff like that and just want a regular phone, the Blackberry is great. Hope this helps!
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His number is 412-530-5790
Wikianswers does not provide personal information about celebrities.
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Check the picture below for the most cost efficient
Most of the time, It is best to purchase the cellphone charger from the store in which you ordered your cellphone. With certain phones, you might be able to find a charger for your cellphone in stores such as Best Buy or even Walmart.
One can buy an AT&T cellphone online on their official website. Best Buy sells AT&T phones at their retail stores and online; eBay sells AT&T cellphones as well.
One can order a satellite card for their cellphone from the Telestial retail website where they are available for around $30. One can also get them from Best Buy.
buy a new one
what influences people to purchase a cellphone
One can purchase cellphone accessories for an iPhone 4 in Edmonton from Walmart and Best Buy, One can also purchase cellphone accessories for an iPhone 4 online from Future Shop, Cellairis and The Source.
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At a store
The best place to get cheap cellphone covers for your iPhone 4S is eBay. They always sell cellphone accessories at cheaper price than the other sites.
The best cleaning and anti-virus software for a cellphone is the AVG.
You can buy a cell phone at any major cellphone retail store such as Verizon, or you could buy cellphones from places like Wal-Mart, Best buy and radio shack.