Season 5|Episode 15 Boys Do Cry
ahhh, my favorite! Inuyasha: The Final Act Episode 9!
Boys Do Cry
The song that played in Naruto episode 217 about halfway in the episode is Closer by Joe Inoue.
Inuyasha shows his tears for the first time, is the episode
everyone cryes and that doesn't mean the hottie Zac Efron won't cry he might even cry when vanessa askes him to be her boyfriend!
yes he did and vanessa started to cry
It is rumored that Zac wrote a love song to Vanessa, and sang it to her one night and it made her cry. That's all I know, hope it helps anyway.
Episode 57
Sonic cries in Sonic X episode 52.
Type your answer here...
He didn't cry in Tokyo Mew Mew EDIT by: IchigoRyouAlto: He cries as a child in a flashback in episode 36.
episode 13 season 1
Simon doesnt cry in ever series in the movie
good or bad crying? ill do both. yes after HSM 3 vanessa was so sad when Zac said he missed her she cried that's good cryin yes when Zac was flirtin with all kind of girls vanessa was so sad she didn't cry but she had a look in her mind she was cryin that's bad cryin.
yes but i dont know what number of episode <=(
Season 5|Episode 15 Boys Do Cry