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Listen to Stick Shift by The Duals from 1961.

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fergie, eminem

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Q: What Artist who are white and sound black?
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What well known artist played on the track Black or White?

what well known artist played on the track Black or White

Who is the black and white abstract artist?

pablo Picasso

Why do Mime artist wear a hat?

they wear white and black face paint and black trousers. They also wear white and black stripy tops with a black hat.

Is Billy Joel blind?

No, he's white. He doesn't even sound black.

What is a name for a rat that is black and white?

A suitable name for a black and white rat could be "Oreo," "Panda," "Inky," or "Sylvester."

What colors did artist Jane Dickson use in Stairwell 1984?

black, yellow/green, orange, white

How has TV had variations on it since it was made?

black and white > color > plasma > high definition etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ that is compltely correct. Exept, there is one more phase to add. The phase of no sound. that is before black and white. (basicly, the radio) or, (strictly the TV) with the black and white. So, the phases mostlikley should look like this... no sound - black and white-sound - color - plasma - high def ps. (plasma tv does not really contain plasma- a stage in matter)

Can a black girl date a white girl?

Yes, why not? That sound pretty cute.

Do the white keys on the piano sound better than the black keys?


Who invented the first black and white film with sound?

Leonardo De Vinci

Spanish black and white video from Spain 2004-2006 It showed Her Head and a guys head all the way through the song in black and white. Who is the artist and song name?

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How did Elvis Presley change the world of rock and roll?

He was the first white artist to successfully bring black "race" music to the young white audience.