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Cage the Elephant, from Bowling Green, Kentucky

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Q: What American band has elephant in their name?
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Related questions

When was the band Cage the Elephant formed?

The band Cage the Elephant formed in the year 2006. They are an American rock band from Kentucky. Their first album, Cage the Elephant, was released in 2008.

Is Green Day American Band a band name?

Green Day is a band name, yes.

What is the name of the lead singer in cage the elephant?

The lead singer for the band Cage the Elephant is Matthew Shultz.

Which Irish rock band shares its name with American spy plane?

The band you are referring to is U2.

What was the name of the elephant on the elephant show?

The elephant was not given a special name on the show. It was simply "elephant."

Where did 'Cage The Elephant' get their band name?

The name "Cage the Elephant" has many different sources, according to the band. One explanation is that in Indian philosophies, the elephant is a symbol of strength and goodness, and the band wants to stand for people that want to capture or "cage" that idea. Matt Shultz is also quoted with saying that it came to him in a dream, or he saw it on the back of a cereal box. In another interview, Matt has also said that he went to have his fortune told and the psychic started screaming, "Cage the elephant!" over and over. The truth is, no one really knows for sure, other than the band. And some say that they haven't got a clue either....

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Aha-haha-ha, no. Some of the members are christian and they are a band, but they aren't a christian band.

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The American band Why is a indie and hip hop band by genre. They were formed in 2004 by the artist Johnathon Wolf from Berkley, California. Why had been Wolf's stage name since 1997.

Where are Cage the Elephant band members from?

Bowling Green, KY.

When was the band My America Heart created?

The rock band My American Heart was originally created in November 2001. They were originally called No Way Out. The band released their first EP under the name My American Heart in 2004.