yes the have went to apple bees why to go john cena apple bees
John Cena usually doesn't have enough time to settle down, but now that he got injured from Randy Orton...
Well yes and no. John Cena was knocked out when a "mystery man"(no one knows who he is!) came in but mystery man took out Cena and Punk. he is now a part of the nexus for some strange reason. but the bell was called when mystery man took out punk. CM punk sorta won by disqualification but no one is sure if because of the disqualification cena won. I hope that helps.
John cena was but now he is the 10 time
Hopefully he's not dating anyone because he's married. He got married on July 11, 2009.
yes the time is now by john cena
Right now It's John Cena Right now It's John Cena Right now It's John Cena
the time is now by john cena basic thugonomics by john cena
"my time is now" by , john cena
John Cena is single now
He Does Not Have a Daughter now if it is John Cena Sr That I don't Know
john cena isn't not dating right now. he is stright
My Time Is Now by John Cena
He has returned now as 'Juan Cena'
I think he just went by what he is now John Cena.
John Cena Is 32 (Born April 23, 1977)