Shan Lloyd died in 2008.
Shan Lawrence is 5' 4".
Darren Urmey goes by Deathgrip Darren.
The duration of Xiao Shan Going Home is 3540.0 seconds.
Darren Rydstrom's birth name is Darren Arthur Rydstrom.
In the series no
I taught it was Ireland, but Darren Shan never actually say where he is or how old (or young, ehe) people around him are.
Darren Shan's real name is Darren O'Shaughnessy
Darren Shan is a boy.
Darren Shan is 5' 7".
Darren Shan's birth name is Darren O'Shaughnessy.
Darren Shan is 45 years old (birthdate: July 2, 1972).
Darren Shan lived in a small town in England called the town of Buffull in the book Cirque du Freak.
Darren Shan is renowned for being a fantastic teen/horror/fiction writer. Such as: The Darren Shan Saga The Demonata
Darren Shan was born on July 2, 1972.
Darren Shan was born on July 2, 1972.
Yes, Darren Shan still lives to this day.