She lives in L.A. rightnow. But she was born in Nassvill Tenesse .
Emily Osmet
The Human League
Hannah Sweeney is a girl from Truro Primary School SA Australia. She lives in Truro.
Hannah Montana, is a FICTIONAL character. The character, was born in Nashville, Tenesse, but now lives in Malibu, California, USA. The actress that plays Hanna Montana, Miley Cyrus, lives in Los Angeles, USA. Well, the character Hannah Montana (from the show) lives in Malibu, but Miley Cyrus, (the girl who acts as Hannah Montana) currently lives in Los Angeles, California and has a house in Nashville, Tennessee.
yes they can
Miley Cyrus
Hannah montanah doesn't but Hannah mckee does!!Hannah mckee is dating nick!!!!!!!!
Los Angeles.
I want Hannah montanah to stop hating muslims
because she wanted to be famous
You will see on the next show
August 25 , 1961
miley Stewart
Emily Osmet