If he is in poison gas. Some gases can make you drown in air, such as mustard or chloride. It can also be quicksand.
Yes, As Long As The Tickets Aren't Smudged So Bad That You Cant Read Them
fudge this... I'm still WET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From trying to get on tht boat thing...
Pierre de Wet was born in 1910.
The duration of Ichijo's Wet Lust is 1.15 hours.
No...... You must have glutealopolygys
more water is in the swamp in the everglades that's what happense in the wet seoson in the everglases
because water is wet yh nd wen itz cold 2 it turns into ice cos itw freezez because water is wet yh nd wen itz cold 2 it turns into ice cos itw freezez
wet the biscuit is wen guys start jackin off and they have to get it on sum chocolate bar or sumthin. the last one to cum has to eat the bar. lmaoo.
as in making a woman wet? yes, wen a guy is eating her out, if he's doing it right then she'll cum and as he's all up in the slot it'll go in his mouth n he has no choice but to swallow it
This has been demonstrated by the 'Myth buster' team. If you merely stand still, or even if you walk very slowly, you will accumulate more rain. If you run at moderate speed, you will receive less rain.
This is not an idiom - idioms make no sense when you try to define them. This makes perfect sense - something is as wet as a rat that has drowned. When you see AS ___ AS ___ you are always dealing with A Simile.
As wet as a fish As wet as a drowned rat As wet as a soaking sponge
No, because wet dreams are when you ejaculate in your sleep.
No, a wet banana is not poisonous provided it is still fresh.
is a percocet still good if it gets wet
wet and wavy