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Garbage pail kids are like cabbage patch kids but the company who make the garbage patch kids are making fun of it.The garbage patch kids can be found on trading cards in packs at places.They look like hobos.

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16y ago
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13y ago

It wasent very sucsessful and came out in 1987 in Spain it was 96 min long in the u.s it was a total 100 min long....Shud of been shorter

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What is the duration of The Garbage Pail Kids Movie?

The duration of The Garbage Pail Kids Movie is 1.6 hours.

When was The Garbage Pail Kids Movie created?

The Garbage Pail Kids Movie was created on 1987-08-22.

What 1987 movie is about a gross gang of kids?

The Garbage Pail Kids.

What is the name of this 1987 movie about a gross gang of kids?

Garbage Pail Kids

Are garbage pail kids real?

The garbage pail kids are not real.The trading cards of garbage pail kids are real, but the actually GPK in person,not real.

What has been around longer Garbage pail kids or Pokemon?

I think its Garbage pail kids

What channel is garbage pail kids?

hefdwf dhcbqehv scwqgvrb

What are the garbage pail kids?

The Garbage Pail Kids refers to a series of trading cards that typically portrays cartoons of children doing humorous things or having some pain inflicted upon them.

What are garbage pail kids?

Garbage pail kids are old cards that had really messed up children on it. Only they were not real kids. They were drawings. EX. Dee Faced Patty Putty Max Axe And of course, Adam Bomb

What was the name of the 1980s trading cards that spoofed the Cabbage Patch Kids?

Garbage Pail Kids

How much are 1980 garbage pail kids cards worth today?

In general, the highest priced Garbage Pail Kids cards are those from Series 1 and 3 that have been professionally graded as mint condition. The first card in the first series, Nasty Nick, has been known to fetch the highest consistent price on eBay in mint condition.

Is the name Emma on garbage pail kids?

The name Emma can be found on the German set