Rita and moe selig were bank robbers in the movie beethovens fifth
Moe Szyslak.
Moe Szyslak is the bartender on "The Simpsons." He is the proprietor of Moe's Tavern in Springfield.
Moe Sihota was born in 1955.
Benna Moe died in 1983.
Doug Moe was born on September 21, 1938.
They aren't real just made up characters in the movie. As said in Beethoven's 5th movie, they were like Bonnie and Clyde only Moe and Rita Selig said please before they robbed the bank and then Moe left a red carnation. Only Bonnie and Clyde didn't say please before they robbed a bank or leave a red carnation behind.
Zachary Selig's birth name is Zachary Jay Selig.
Bud Selig's birth name is Allan Huber Selig.
Selig Frank goes by the nickname "Bud" which is short for his full name Bernard Selig.
Selig is German for 'blessed'
Selig Brodetsky was born in 1888.
Selig Suskin was born in 1873.
Selig Brodetsky died in 1954.
Selig Perlman was born in 1888.
Selig Perlman died in 1959.
Selig Starr was born in 1893.
Selig Starr died in 1989.