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I'm really sorry, but the whole "Legend of Zelda Movie" was a big hoax. I was so depressed when I found out the truth, I sulked around for a few days. It's exposure as a scam was inevitable, though; how could someone produce a movie starring a mute main character? I like to picure the graphics for a Legend of Zelda movie, if they ever have one. On an end note, the movie wasgood, inside my imagination.

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Q: Was the Legend of Zelda movie good?
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When is the movie The legend of Zelda coming out in the US theaters?

there is no legend of Zelda movie currently

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No, there is not, and there will not be a Zelda movie.

Is there legend of Zelda movie?

Yes, there will be

When is the Legend of Zelda movie coming out?

There is no legend of Zelda movie; read here for the deets\'s_trailer)

Is there really a legend of Zelda movie?

No. I got tricked by a legend of Zelda movie trailer saying it would come out April first,but it was a joke.

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There is no movie, its an April Fool's joke.

Is there a Legend of Zelda movie?

There is no official Legend of Zelda movie.However, there was an April Fools Day joke played by IGN that advertised a Zelda movie, but no official announcements have been made.BMB Finishes has produced a fan-made movie, The Hero of Time, that had been under development for many years.There is also a second live action Zelda movie, The Legend of Zelda: Prince of Teres, being filmed in Oregon. No word yet, but discussions are underway to receive official backing by Nintendo. It is planned for a 2012 release.Another fan-made Legend Of Zelda movie coming up is The Legend Of Zelda: Witch Of Hearts, not much is heard about it, but that it involves a new villain who sides with Ganondorf. More of it will be released around late 2010, or 2011. It is written by a new director with the name of EGN. "A writer with a dream"And an another Legend Of Zelda movie is The Legend Of Zelda: Sage Of Darkness, also a fan-made movie.

What can you do to convince Nintendo to make a legend of Zelda movie?

The Legend of ZeldaTM is TOO cool and majestic to be made into a movie. =-)

What would you want in a Legend of Zelda movie?

Link of course

What are the names of all the Zelda games?

Okay. Here it goes (and im pretty sure they're in order by date of release): The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening/DX The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Yup. im kind of a zelda fan =3

Is there a really cheesy movie coming out in 2009 called Legend of Zelda even though the video game is good?

Definetley not.

What are all the Legend of Zelda games in order?

The legend of zelda (1986) The legend of zelda : 2 The adventure of link (1987) The legend of zelda : A link to the past (1982) The legend of zelda : Links awakening (1993) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time (1998) The legend of zelda : Links awakening DX (director's cut) (1998) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time collectors addition (1998) The legend of zelda : Magoras mask (2000) The legend of zelda : Oricle of seasons (2001) The legend of zelda : Oricle of ages (2001) The legend of zelda : A link to the past four swords (2002) The legend of zelda : Collectors addition (2003) The legend of zelda : The wind waker (2003) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time master quest (2003) The legend of zelda : Four swords adventures (2004) The legend of zelda classic four GBA (2004) The legend of zelda 2 The adventure of link four GBA (2004) The legend of zelda : The mish cap (2005) The legend of zelda : Twilight princess (2006) The legend of zelda : Phantom hourglass (2007) The legend of zelda : Spirit tracks (2009) The legend of zelda : Ocarina of time 3D (2011) The legend of zelda : Skyward sword (2011)