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Princeton and roc royal was discovered first ,prodigy was found on YouTube and ray ray auditioned at midnight

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Q: Was ray ray and Princeton discovered first?
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Related questions

Are the Mindless Behavior boys related?

No. Princeton and Roc royal were the first to and then ray ray made it months later at midnight and then they discovered prodigy on youtube

What year did mindless behavior get discovered?

Prodigy was discovered on youtube or online Ray-ray was discovered when he was workin for a clown Princeton and roc royal had to' try out to' be' in the group, they were discovered around 2008.

How didi mindless behavior get discovered?

roc royal,ray ray and princeton auditioned and prodigy was found on youtube

When was mindless behavior first discovered?

prodigy was discovered on youtube and ray ray auditioned at midnight and got lucky Roc royal auditioned and got in princeton had an internet experiance and they gave him a chance and then they came out with my girl and became an internet and television sensation

Who is better ray ray or Princeton?


How did Mindless Behavior met?

princeton and roc royal auditioned and made it and ray ray auditioned at midnight and prodigy was discovered on youtube.

Who was the first to join Mindless Behavior?

well Roc Royal and Princeton were the first then it was Prodigy and then Ray-Ray

Who the oldest out of ray ray and Princeton?

Princeton is older then ray ray but ray ray is 1 month younger then him

Are Princeton and ray ray related?

No,because Princeton is Mexican and ray ray is African American.

Who is cute out of Princeton and ray ray?

Princeton look better

How did Mindless Behavior get a record?

princeton and roc were already in the group..ray ray had an audition over night and the manager discovered prodigy over the inernet

Who was the first one to enter mindless behavior?

Roc Royal ; Prodigy ; Princeton ; Ray Ray