Yes, in his book he talks about how he was convicted of murder on "Trumped up charges'' two guys at a bar picked a fight with him and in the fight one man hit his head on the curb and was hospitalized, later passing away. it is referanced in his CWA debute.
Mark Callaway, the same one it is now.
The Undertaker is about 45 years old.
The Undetaker's real name is Mark Calaway.
There has been no mention from Mark Callaway, who portrays the Undertaker on WWE television, stating his plans for retirement.
mark callaway has had 6 wrestling names. kane the undertaker master of pain "mean" mark callous the punisher texas red the undertaker
his name is mark callaway so it is callaway his name is mark callaway so it is callaway
He is still The Undertaker....
Mark Callaway.
Mark Callaway is the Undertaker's real name.
he named himself the undertaker in wrestling but if he's not in wrestling his name is Mark Callaway
The Undertaker was born in Huston, Texas on March 24,1965
34Million Dollars (US)
Hi Gunner Callaway is Mark 'The Undertaker' Callaway's song form his first marriage.
Yes, Mark Callaway (The WWE's Undertaker) did appear in an episode of Poltergeist: The Legacy. The episode was entitled "Brother's Keeper", in which Mr. Callaway portrayed a "Soul Chaser", a demon of Hell who retrieves escaped souls.
The Undertaker and Michelle McCool ARE dating.
Mark William Callaway
Mark Callaway, the same one it is now.