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Yes, but it is not called "Like Being Stoned." The song's title is "Low" and appears on the album "Kerosene Hat".

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Q: Was like being stoned by cracker?
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Related questions

Who sings the lyrics to being with you girl is like being alone and stoned?

Cracker. The song is called "Low."

How did the term being stoned come about?

you just sit there like a rock sometimes

Who was the woman stoned at Jesus' crucification?

The Bible does not record a woman being stoned at Jesus' crucifixion.

Is Richard Allen always stoned?

Yes Richard is always stoned Im pretty sure he was always stoned. Just like me!

Why are people who use marijuana regularly called stoners?

Being stoned is another way of saying being high. Therefore those who get stoned are called stoners.

What is an animal cracker?

An animal cracker is a mildly sweet cookie/cracker that is shaped like an animal.

Can you get your turtle stoned?

It is theoretically possible. "Being stoned" refers to a mental state generally in which the mind is affected by a debilitating narcotic. I'm not sure that traditional drugs like marijuana would affect a turtle in this way, but it is possible.

Did Jesus stop Mary Magdalene from being stoned?

Some believe that the woman that Jesus saved from being stoned by the crowd was Mary Magdalene. The Bible does not specify who the woman was, however.

What is the meaning of a cracker?

a type of food. or a fire cracker which is like a fire work

What is getting stoned?

It typically refers to being under the influence of marijuana.

Was stoning against the law?

Not if the person being stoned was Jewish or Mexican.

What is animal crackers?

An animal cracker is a mildly sweet cookie/cracker that is shaped like an animal.