Taylor Launter and Taylor Dooley just started in a movie called Sharkboy and Lavagirl. They are really good friend's check out in there website's. http://www.taylordooley.com http://www.taylorlautner.com but he is now dating a girl named abbey parrish he met in his hometown
Yes, he said in an interview that he had a crush on Jessica Alba but that was a while ago now he has a crush on Megan Fox. I saw the interview !!
talor dooley played lava girl and talor lautner played shark boy
Sharkboy in Sharkboy and Lavagirl was played by Taylor Lautner when he was 13. He is very famous for his role as Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga movies.
yes Taylor lautner is dating liliana mumy for a couple of mouths
Taylor lautner
Probably not. That's just my opinion.
Taylor Lautner...Sharkboy Taylor Dooley...Lavagirl shark boy is: Taylor Lautner and lava girl is: Taylor Dooley.Taylor Lautner...Sharkboy Taylor Dooley...Lavagirl
No, Taylor Lautner and Taylor Dooley are not cousins, they are very good friends. They acted the parts of Sharkboy and Lavagirl together.
no Taylor dooley is 17 and Taylor launter is 18
Taylor Dooley and Sharkboy was Taylor Lautner. Taylor Lautner is also Jacob Black in the Twilight Series
Yes and so is Taylor Lautner
talor dooley played lava girl and talor lautner played shark boy
Taylor Lautner is dating Taylor Swift right now.
Taylor Lautner is dating Taylor Swift
Taylor Lautner did Shark boy and Lava Girl (co-star Taylor Dooley) in 2005.
Taylor Lautner is dating the hot, spectacular, Olivia (nickname Livi.)
No but Taylor Lautner is. Taylor Lautner is dating Taylor Swift.
Taylor Dooley is the actress known best for her role as Lava Girl in "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" with Taylor Lautner. She is not married.