Rose Firth's birth name is Rosemary Ann Firth.
Kate Firth was born in 1962.
Edward Firth Henderson was born in 1917.
Boyle Bull Cook Coyote Cushing Falk Finch Firth Fonda Gallagher Grant Graves Greene Lawford Lorre McKenzie O'Toole Palmer Scolari Sellers Strauss Tork
Peter Firth was born on October 27, 1953.
Peter Firth was born on October 27, 1953.
Peter Firth - bishop - was born in 1929.
Peter Firth is 57 years old (birthdate: October 27, 1953).
he has an ex wife Lindsey
Peter Firth
They are both English but no, they are not related.
No, he wasn't.
No he is divorced and has 4 kids
The cast of Firth on Firth - 1993 includes: Rosemary Firth as Herself - Interviewee Raymond Firth as Himself - Interviewee
Peter Snow - doctor - was born in 1935.
Joseph Firth Bottomley Firth was born in 1842.