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Q: Was Pele's right foot banned
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Related questions

What is Peles strongest foot?

Pelé's strongest foot is his right foot. He was naturally right-footed, but he trained himself to be comfortable using both feet effectively during his playing career.

When was Keren Peles born?

Keren Peles was born on March 11, 1979, in Yavne'el, Israel.

Did Cristiano Ronaldo beat Peles record?

No Ronaldo has not broken Peles record.

What has the author Yossi Peles written?

Yossi Peles has written: 'Menachem Wiesenberg =' -- subject(s): Composers, Musicians, Biography

Who are Peles parents?

Dondinho and Celeste

What is Peles other name?

the great brazilin

How did Michael Jackson do the sidewalk?

right foot up, left foot slide into right foot, left foot up, right foot slide, left foot down, right foot up, and just repeat it

What is Peles dads name?

Edson Arantes Do Kamron

What are 5 character traits for Pele?

Peles character traist

How do you approach a girl you like?

Approach her ... left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, trip, get up pretend it never happened, left foot, right foot...

What foot is a column right called on?

On the right foot.

How do you you move around?

you take your feet and step... left foot , right foot , left foot , right foot... and so onor hop left right left right :)