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Q: Was Otis a real person in Sweet Dreams?
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How do Satan be in your dreams?

It is not real. a person's sub-conscious control dreams.

What is Otis Redding's real name?

In Dawson, Georgia.

The boy i cheated on with is in like all my dreamssometimes in real life he likes me or doesn't but in my dreams hes always sweet what is all this about?

If the boy you cheated on with is in all of your dreams it may be due to you thinking about him a lot.

What does it mean when you say i love you to a person in your dreams you never seen?

Well usually it means that there's someone in the real world that this person in your dreams represents. Maybe it's your crush or boyfriend/girlfriend.

Why did the Eurythmics produce the song titled Sweet Dreams?

They produced the song because of a dream that the lead singer had. There was no other real motivation for writing the song.

What is thugnificent real name?

Otis Jenkins.

What does it mean if a person is in all your dreams?

question: if you dream of person and they are in all your dreams what does this mean? The meaning of these dreams depends very much on the identity of the person. If it is a real person from your past, the interpretation would be different than if this is a character from fiction, or a fantasy that exists only in your dreams. If this is an attractive, romantic person, then the dreams might be wish-fulfillment in which your mind creates a character to represent the love you desire. > Another possibility is that this person, real or imaginary, symbolizes qualities that you admire or dislike or even fear within yourself. As you can see, there are too many possibilities to provide a meaningful interpretation without further information. The link below, which discusses "strangers" in dreams, might provide further help.

Dreams What if you've never met him but could this person be real and could you really meet him in real life?

It is possible for people to dream about someone they have never met in real life. These dreams could be a product of the subconscious mind or influenced by different aspects of one's waking life. Meeting this person in reality would depend on various factors such as chance encounters or actively seeking out connections with individuals who resemble the person in the dream.

What does it mean shes a real sweet tooth?

I don't really know, but could it mean 'she has a real sweet tooth'? Cause if that is the case, it means that they prefer sweet/sugary things. (Foods)

Does missing a loved one cause hallucinations or dreams of the person?

Longing for an absent loved one can certainly lead to dreams (daydreams or dreams during sleep) of that person. Hallucinations, by contrast, are visions or illusions of something that is not real while one is awake, and require urgent medical attention.

Was Joseph the interpreter of dreams a real Pharaoh?

A:The Book of Genesis says that Joseph was an interpreter of dreams and second in charge to the pharaoh, but not actually pharaoh himself. The scholarly answer is that he was not a real person: it is just a story.

What does it mean if you have a dream with the guy that you have killed?

If the dreamer actually killed someone in real life, then dreams about that person, the dream suggests feelings of guilt and remorse. If the dreamer only dreams of killing someone, the dream suggests anger with that person.