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At that time being gay wasn't as accepted in Hollywood as it is today. There were a lot of rumors circulating about the possibility of him being gay several years before his death because his lifestyle was very similar to that of a closet homosexual. He only dated one girl for an extended period of time but was never seen kissing her so it is possible it was to just convinced people he wasn't gay in response to the rumors, that she was a close friend. He was alone a lot and depressed. This isn't typical behavior of a straight guy who can hit the town and pick up any girl he wants, after-all girls adored Jonathan. Being a celebrity, a person has a lot of attention on oneself, so if he were to date a guy his sexuality would be exposed to the world and he probably was terrified of anyone finding out because of the stigma associated with being gay and he probably saw that as something that would bring shame to his family and ruin any chances of any further success in Hollywood. The speculation some offer is that his career was stagnant so he killed himself, but most celebrities would take that as an opportunity to pursue other venues of interest and it doesn't explain his lack of interest in women.

We'll of course never know for sure if he was gay, it is a shame though that the circumstances surrounding being gay make suicide a considerable option to end the suffering of being alone and unhappy which is sadly how most closet gay men live, just as Jonathan lived.

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Lauren Padgett

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1y ago

He was too good looking to be. I don't think so.

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Anthony Watson

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Ridiculous comment

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