

Best Answer

Yes Greg Fletcher DID play drums for Billy Ray Cyrus. Greg's distinct style and

talents are some of the best you'll hear. His travels between Hunting, West Virginia

and Nashville Tennessee for either the recording studios, or live stage acts are

common. Gregs ex-wife is a talented singer, songwriter and musician. (Keyboards)

Greg is The Whipps" current drummer, based in Huntington, West Virginia.

If the opportunity arises to see Greg Play, a trip to Huntington West Virginia, or

the Tri-State area would be well worth it, to see this pro in concert.

His ex-wife is well known in the music world, who also works as a secretary at a

Huntington, West Virginia radio station group. Greg's laid back attitude, and outgoing personality, make him very approachable for a nice and interesting conversation, prior to, or after a performance. Those of you who may be musicians,

especially in percussion, are sure to hear how accurately he "Hits the Marks" perfectly, every time he plays. Both of them are friends of mine.

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