Opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
failure of the equal rights amendments
The US Constitution does not explicitly grant privacy rights, or many other "rights." Individuals have inherent rights which include the right to life, liberty, happiness and the right to keep the fruits of ones labor. Groups on the other hand do not have inherent rights, all rights come through the individual.The right to life, liberty and happiness would naturally include ones own sexual orientation. So long as one individual does not impose, force or otherwise harm another through their actions then that persons behavior is solely up to them.The US Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) that "The petitioners [Lawrence and Garner] are entitled to respect for their private lives. The State cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime."The Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment contain the areas for which privacy might be expected. States themselves have a large amount of leeway when it comes to privacy expectations in public (10th Amendment). It is generally accepted that no one should expect a right to full privacy in public areas or the Internet.
Susan B. Anthony was extremely active not only in the anti-slavery movement, but also contributed a huge amount of time and effort for equal rights for women. Once she found out that the male teachers in Canajoharie, New York were receiving a monthly pay of ten dollars a month while the female teachers were only receiving two dollars and fifty cents a month she and her entire family went to the 1848 Rochester WomanÕs Rights Convention. Apropos, her Quaker upbringing, her stand for anti-slavery reforms and her passion for equal rights; this was the real beginning to Anthony's contribution to the women's movement. Starting in 1853, she began campaigning for equal property rights for women. She did this by getting petitions signed, speaking at meetings and lobbying for state legislatures. In 1854, she spoke at the National Women's Rights Convention, urging for more campaigns and petitions. Then,1856, Anthony begin writing publications and leaflets for equal rights. In 1868, Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton became the newspaper editors for the movement's publication known as the 'The Revolution'. In 1872, she was arrested for leading a band of women to the polls where they voted in the election. She was tried, found guilty and ordered to pay a one hundred dollar fine. She refused to pay the fine and the judge let her refusal stand. By letting Anthony off the hook for the fine, it denied her the right to file an appeal and take her case to the Supreme Court of the United States. Anthony served on numerous boards and committees for equal rights in her life time. The nineteenth amendment, that was passed in 1920, giving equal rights to women, was called the Susan B. Anthony Amendment.
No. First of all, the show is a metaphor for gay rights (prejudice against vampires, legalizing vampire marriage, etc.) Secondly, "gay agenda" is the term that hateful people use to describe the pursuit of equal rights for LGBT people.
They felt that women's rights were protected by other laws
Phyllis Schlafly
testifying against themselves
5th Amendment
The Equal Rights Amendment
Protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
Different rights are guaranteed throughout the Constitution, but the 5th amendment spells out the rights that protect against self incrimination.
They felt that women's rights were protected by other laws
It's the fifth amendment, also known as the Miranda Rights.
Bill of Rights maybe? Or some other amendment to the constitution