Aaliyah was indeed buried in clothes. According to reports, she was laid to rest in a custom-made white gown, a diamond tiara, and a diamond necklace. This attire was chosen by her family as a way to honor her legacy and reflect her iconic style.
NO Aaliyah Was Buried
no, she was in a silver casket.
It does not seem that Beyoncé attended Aaliyah's funeral. Her husband Jay-Z, however, was in attendance. Jay-Z and Aaliyah were a couple before he and Beyoncé became a couple.
The Tommy Hilfiger clothes that Aaliyah wore can no longer be bought. This is because that particular line of Hilfiger clothing was only out for that particular season. However, you can certainly buy other Tommy Hilfiger products and apparel at his stores.
Aaliyah was 5'7, i believe.
NO Aaliyah Was Buried
no, she was in a silver casket.
you can mostly get a t-shirt airbrushed with Aaliyah on it in atl and gey aaaliyah clothes on eBay and other wedsites
Aaliyah's father passed away before Christmas in 2012. Fans found out by visiting Aaliyah's grave and seeing that now her father, Michael Haughton, is buried above her in their family crypt. May he and Aaliyah rest in peace.
Aaliyah's father passed away before Christmas in 2012. Fans found out by visiting Aaliyah's grave and seeing that now her father, Michael Haughton, is buried above her in their family crypt. May he and Aaliyah rest in peace.
It does not seem that Beyoncé attended Aaliyah's funeral. Her husband Jay-Z, however, was in attendance. Jay-Z and Aaliyah were a couple before he and Beyoncé became a couple.
The Tommy Hilfiger clothes that Aaliyah wore can no longer be bought. This is because that particular line of Hilfiger clothing was only out for that particular season. However, you can certainly buy other Tommy Hilfiger products and apparel at his stores.
Aaliyah's funeral was on 08/31/2001,at the Saint Ignatius Loyola Church in New York. her casket was silver which was carried in a glass hearse and was drawn by horse.The entrance to Ferncliff Cemetery,where Aaliyah is buried. On 08/25/2011 it will be 10 years to the day that Aaliyah pass a way.
well if you really look at her hip or waist then it really occurs that she is a size 2 or more likely 3 but im not sure i wasnt the one buying her clothes... R.I.P Aaliyah......... we miss you
Aaliyah Dana Haughton is Aaliyah's WHOLE name .
Aaliyah's WHOLE name was Aaliyah Dana Haughton.
When Ciara first came out she did try to be like Aaliyah. Even her 2nd album The Evolution she died her hair jet black and wore it over one eye all the time, and wore the baggy clothes and shades too. But Ciara is more of a STREET DANCER , and Aaliyah was a professionally trained dancer. That's why Aaliyah's dancing style is a lot more smooth than Ciara's. Ciara admires Aaliyah and said her self she would have LOVED to meet her and maybe do a song or two with her. She said their styles are different, and that she would never try to take Aaliyah's place.