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beau chanteur (male) or belle chanteuse (female)

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Q: Translate Beautiful singer in french
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Translate you are so beautiful in french?

"You are so beautiful" is "vous êtes si belle" in French.

How do they translate a beautiful girl in french?

Une belle fille

How do you say beautiful boutique in french?

Boutique is actually a word that English borrowed from French! So you just have to translate "beautiful."Beautiful boutique = la belle boutique

How do you say beautiful dancer in french?

French culture is rich in dance history so it is no surprise that the words "beautiful dancer" easily translate to French. It becomes the words "belle danseuse".

What does robe belle femme translate from french?

la robe : dress, gownla belle femme : beautiful woman

Translate beautiful beginning to french?

un beau début, un beau commencement, un beau départ

How do you translate English to french 'je veux la belle la maison?

(It's not correct French and it isn't what we would say.)- I want the beautiful house.

Rue de la belle etoile translate french to English?

In French, 'Rue de la belle etoile' can be translated in English to:'The beautiful star street'

Is Googoosh a beautiful singer?

Yes she is beautiful,she is one of the most beautiful singer in the world!!

Translate beautiful to French?

"Beautiful" in French is "beau" for masculine singular, "belle" for feminine singular, "beaux" for masculine plural, and "belles" for feminine plural.

How do you say He loves his beautiful girlfriend in french?

Type it into google translate Something like: Il adore sa belle blonde

Translate the word Beautiful from English to French?

Beau to be describing a man or masculine object Belle to be describing a woman or feminine object