It comes to about 16,000 songs by generous about 20 different languages in nearly two decades of his singing career...
Lata Mangeshkar is 88 years old (birthdate: September 28, 1929).
From 1950 to 2008 would be about 49 years. There are 365 days in a year, so that would be 17, 885 days. If 1000 songs were recorded around the world each day, the total number of songs recorded since 1950 would be 17,885,000. This is only an estimate, of course.
the theory that the language come from songs
Glee uses songs that have already been recorded by other artists. Go check out the song lyrics.
He Sung 18 Songs In Total...
lata mangeshkar (bollywood recording artist) she is in the guiness book of world records for having recorded over 30000 songs from 1948 to 1987
Lata Mangeshkar. She has sung a number of songs in various languages of India.
Lata Mangeshkar is the richest singer of Bollywood.
The total number of songs is 760.
'Bharat-Ratna' melody queen; Bollywood singer Lata Mangeshkar is the eldest amongst the four singer sisters. Younger three are- Asha Bhosle, Meena Khadilkar & Usha Mangeshkar.
Appx 35,000 Songs
2000 songs in all languages
The female singer with the most songs in the Guinness Book of Records is Asha Bhosle, an Indian playback singer. She has recorded over 11,000 solos, duets, and chorus songs in over 20 languages.
There is not exact number available on the total numbers of songs recorded in India till date. But, it is said that almost 1000 songs are recorded each day.
The claim was that she had recorded approximately 25,000 solo, duet, and chorus-backed songs in 20 Indian languages between 1948 to 1974. Over the years, while several sources have supported this claim, others have raised concerns over its veracity, claiming that this number was highly exaggerated and that Mangeshkar's younger sister, Asha Bhosle, had more song recordings than she had
Lata Mangeshkar is 88 years old (birthdate: September 28, 1929).
I'm guessing either Elvis or Frank Sinatra... I am sure Elvis recorded close to 600 because I have about 500 songs of his and I know I am missing the movie songs and some unreleased ones.