Most Likely Top 3 are 1. Ibrahim Mjaria - $9.6 Billion 2. Vijay & Family - $4 Billion 3. Moi & Family - $1 Billion
Warren Buffet is worth about 38 Billion, losing a lot in the stock market recently but still in the Top 3 richest. Bill Gates jumped up to number one again.
- Forbes Magazine's List of Billionaires for 2015 declared that Bill Gates is the wealthiest person in the world, with a net worth of approximately $79.2 billion dollars. - Carlos Slim Helu is the second wealthiest person with a net worth of approximately $77.1 billion dollars. - Warren Buffett is the third richest person with a net worth of approximately $72.7 billion dollars.
2.7 million
He is one of the richest comedians in the world, and he has had a lot of success, including a very popular album called Trailer Park Trash.
Top of the richest person in the world is Carlos Slim Helu and family from Mexico that have a net worth of $81.7 billion. Next to him is Bill Gates with a net worth of $80.6 billion and owns the Microsoft.
Bill gates has taken the top spot as the richest man with a net worth of $76 billion. Mark Zuckerburg is number 16 on the list of richest men with a net worth of $33.3 billion.
Sheike Muhammad is the richest man in the world with a net worth of 247.8 billion
As of October 2021, the richest person in the US is Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. His net worth fluctuates, but he is often ranked at the top of the list of wealthiest individuals in the United States.
No, Donald Trump is the richest President with a net worth of $3,700. James Buchanan only had a net worth of $1 or less.
Top of the richest person in the world is Carlos Slim Helu and family from Mexico that have a net worth of $81.7 billion. Next to him is Bill Gates with a net worth of $80.6 billion and owns the Microsoft.
#1 Daniel wynn of UK net worth-£4.3 BILLION #2 Michael cook of UK net worth-£3.5 BILLION rest i don't no
Roughly 23 million dollars. million is roughly his net worth, not his salary!
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is as far as i know the richest actor with a net worth of 3 billion dollars after a search i could not find any other actor who has such a net worth
The world's richest president is Bhumibol Adulyadej, with the net worth up to 30 billion making to be the richest president in the world.