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the proximity of the earth, moon, and sun. The moon reflects the light of the sun, but it can't do that if it's in the earth's shadow, or partly in the earth's shadow.

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Q: The phases of the moon are determined by?
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What dtermines the phases of the moon?

Moon phases are determined by the moon position in Earth's orbit, which in turn reveals more (or less) of it's illuminated side from our perspective.

Why are there new phases of the moon each night?

The phases of the moon are determined by how much of the moon we can see from earth. The amount of the moon we see is determined by how much of the suns light is reflected from it back to us. As the moon moves round the earth and the earth moves round the sun the amount of light that gets bounced back from moon changes because of its different possitions.

Does the phases of the moon influence the babies gender?

No. Gender is determined at the moment of conception by which sperm reaches the egg first.

The different shapes of the moon seen from earth are called?

Moon Phases , or Lunar Phases.

How much phases dos the moon have?

The moon has 8 phases

How many phases of the moon of there?

There are only 8 phases of the moon.

How do you get the phases from the moon?

You get the phases of the moon from the Sun reflecting off the moon at different angles.

The cause of the phases of the moon is a cycle that is close to what?

The cause of the phases of the Moon is closely related to our calendar month. (moon-th). The phases of the Moon are related to the Moon's orbit of Earth.

If the moon were larger would you still see the moon phases?

Yes. The phases of the moon aren't based on the size of the moon. Phases are based on the position of the moon in relation to the sun.

What is the cause of the phases of the moon is a cycle that is close to?

The cause of the phases of the Moon is closely related to our calendar month. (moon-th). The phases of the Moon are related to the Moon's orbit of Earth.

What is February's moon phases?

As with any month there are all the phases of the moon.

Does the phases of the moon change in winter?

No, the phases of Moon don't change.