Her name is Camden Singer.
Anna Zielinski is the name of the girl who is featured in the Blue Sky commercial. They commercial was ran by American Express.
I'm sure it's (a young) Dean Martin.
See this link: http://anna-z.com/ Her name is Anna Zielinski.
his name is Brandon bailey
Her name is Camden Singer.
Anna Zielinski is the name of the girl who is featured in the Blue Sky commercial. They commercial was ran by American Express.
It was Theo Pollinlinner I think that was his name antway.
The name of the song for the E commercial is called L.O.V.E. It is made, written, and produced by male solo singer Chris Mann.
Carmine from Lavern and Shirley.His name is Eddie Mekka.
Taylor Swift is the singer in the most recent target commercial. She is a very young, beautiful country, pop artist.
You mean the singer in the new Macbook Air Commercial? Her name is Yael Naim.
Anna Zielinski is her name. She is also the woman in the latest Saturn Commercial. She has also appeared in a American Express Commercial. Absolutely beautiful smile. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1267470/
The name of the song in the NyQuil commercial with Drew Bree's was, Personality. The singer was Taharqa Patterson.
Skeeter's Flooring.
== == How did hydrogen get it's name
Trouble by singer Ray LaMontagne.