Dalek is an episode that was first broadcast on 30 April 2005. It contained Billie Piper and Christopher Eccelson. (Bad Wolf)
either dalek sec or dalek stratigest
nothing!! the daleks dont need food.
another person controls the dalek and he makes it follow you
Davros created them, however they tend to overthrow him. In the classic series they apparantly kill him, he turns up in a later episode though. In the 7th Doctor story 'Remembrance of the Daleks', there are two Dalek factions, Imperial Daleks under the Dalek Emperor, and Renegade Daleks under the Dalek Supreme. The Emperor in this case turns out to be Davros however. At the end of the 1st series of the rebooted Doctor Who, the Dalek Emperor is shown, he survived the Time War and rebuilt an army. They are destroyed by Rose Tyler however. During series 2 and 3, four other Daleks are shown to have survived the Time War. They are the Cult of Skaro, specially designated Daleks with their own names and imagination. They are lead by a black Dalek, Dalek Sec. In the 4th series, another Dalek force has been assembled, lead by a Supreme Dalek. Davros is here also, though he is simply being kept for his scientific expertise. In the 5th series, a 'New Paradigm' of Dalek is created. They are colour coded, the white one is the new Supreme Dalek. In series 7, 'Asylum of the Daleks', the Daleks have a parliament and a prime minister.
Dalek is an anagram of Kaled which is what they were before they mutated and got turned in to daleks by Davros who was an unmutated kaled
1st . dalek caan 2nd. dalek sec 3rd . dalek they 4th . dalek jast
The Dalek that went insane after pulling Davros from the time-war is Dalek Caan, apart of the Cult Of Skaro (Dalek Sec, Dalek Caan, Dalek Jast, Dalek They)
The name of the black Dalek in Doctor Who is Dalek Sec.
either dalek sec or dalek stratigest
The "yellow dalek" is called the Eternal Dalek.
A monster created by the Dalek emperor during the first year of the time war
He was in two episodes. He joined the Doctor and Rose at the end of the episode Dalek and was taken home and left their in the next episode The Long Game.
There are numerous types of Daleks throughout the Doctor Who series, including the standard bronze Daleks, the Special Weapons Dalek, the Supreme Dalek, the Emperor Dalek, and many more variations created for specific storylines.
I am a Dalek was created in 2006.
Dalek was created in 1963.
The most famous Dalek is Dalek Caan but the most famous KALED was Davros!
With ACME Dalek-be-gone spray