Chaz Bono's birth name is Chastity Sun Bono.
As of May 2012 Bono (U2) was worth a conservatively estimated $1.5 billion.. Passing Paul McCartney.
Bono (from the band U2) was born with the name Paul David Hewson.
Stacie Bono was born on July 9, 1982, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Nobody, as Bono is still alive.
I hope he still loves him.
He counsels preschool-age children who think they were born in the wrong body, like he was.
Chastity Bono is now Chaz Bono, and he lives in California.
Sonny Bono parents were Santo and Jean Bono.
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No, Bono is not single.
Bono is an Irishman from Dublin.
Sonny Bono's birth name is Bono, Salvatore Philip.