Almost all are make-up apart from Happy (David Labara) who is a real tattoo artist and Hells Angels member.
The duration of Sons of Anarchy is -2760.0 seconds.
The population of Charming - Sons of Anarchy - is 14,679.
Charming - Sons of Anarchy - was created in 1859.
Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club was created in 1988.
The person who carved the table that is in the sons of anarchy is James smith
There are no real sons of anarchy. The entire gang is a work of fiction. While there are real motorcycle clubs out there none are called sons of anarchy.
The duration of Sons of Anarchy is -2760.0 seconds.
The population of Charming - Sons of Anarchy - is 14,679.
Charming - Sons of Anarchy - was created in 1859.
Sons of Anarchy was created on 2008-09-03.
If you mean "Sons of Anarchy", it's a fictional show.
Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club was created in 1988.
When does season4 sons of anarchy come out on dvd
Capybara - Sons of Anarchy - was created on 2008-11-12.
The person who carved the table that is in the sons of anarchy is James smith
The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original (Samcro)
It is just part of the character. It is not real -- it is applied makeup.