to download it there is ways such as video2mp3 dot net and so on.
if your songs not there its probably due to copyright, but no worries check every other week.
Use youtube and during the song, use annotation!
How can I dedicate a video song from YouTube to someone in facebook
This song has had over one hundred million views on YouTube.
The song is Pandora by Silas Bjerregaard. (There's full versions of the ad and the song on YouTube).
the most popular song on youtube is gangam style.
type the song in on a search on youtube
go to the song on youtube and click on SHARE and you will find the URL
There is no such a song in youtube with such a URL.
it is a song
yes. well everyone knows about YouTube to mp3, and a viewer could download it, and then upload it on youtube saying that it is there song.
search on youtube>>> how to dance to the song poker face? GO ON YOUTUBE!! its easier!! XD
If you played the song on YouTube shortly after you shazamed - it might still be on your YouTube history list
Almost every song is on youtube. People either record the song and put the album picture on the screen for the video portion or show the music video. Some people when putting a song on youtube put the lyrics of the song on the video for the viewers.