"Ode to Joy" has a conjunct melody because all the notes move in steps without jumps. "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" has both conjunct and disjunct melodies. The first part, where the lyrics say, "Twinkle twinkle, little star" is disjunct because it jumps a fifth. The melody with the lyrics, "How I wonder what you are" is conjunct.
It is a type of music originated in the Early Medieval Age (5th century) that was used in the church for liturgy. It consists of monophonic texture, non-metric rhythm, a narrow range and conjunct pitch jumps.
A conjunct is to a conjunction, what a summand is to a sum. Similarly for a disjunct.
Conjunct - it is within scalar movement.
a word that joins two sentences
Stationary ascending descending conjunct disjunct
Disjunct ( Has many wide leaps)
Stationary ascending descending conjunct disjunct
melody in which all the notes move in steps and not in jumps.
Thomas Molyneux has written: 'Conjunct expeditions'
Stationary ascending descending conjunct disjunct
monophonic texture, non-metric, arranged according to the medieval modes, narrow range, conjunct motion.
Synonyms for the time could be evening or darkness. The noun conjunct "night" could have the synonyms nocturnal, dark, or late.