Shirley McLaines's character throws herself in front of a bullet to save Frank Sinatra's life. The guy who shot at them was the one who was in the bar in the earlier scenes telling McLaine's character that she was "his girl." Very sad.... :(
The duration of Harrison Bergeron - film - is 1.65 hours.
running time
Night of the Running Man was created on 1995-01-19.
The movie The postman was the movie that had a boy running from a murder. The is a 1990's movie.
The duration of Running - film - is 1.7 hours.
Running Time - film - was created in 1997.
Running - film - was created on 1979-10-30.
sarvam film running mega star
The duration of Running Time - film - is 1.17 hours.
Running Free - film - was created on 2000-06-02.
The duration of Harrison Bergeron - film - is 1.65 hours.
Death Happens - film - was created in 2009.
The duration of The Man Who Came to Dinner - film - is 1.87 hours.
The duration of Along Came Jones - film - is 1.5 hours.
The duration of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold - film - is 1.87 hours.
The film came out in 2003.