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for smackdown vs raw 2009 the cheat codes are

* Cheat mode At the options menu, select the "Cheat Codes" option, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: *; Saturday Night's Main Event venue

Enter "SatNightMainEventSvR" as a case-sensitive code to unlock the Saturday Night's Main Event venue.

*; Wrestle as Boogeyman

Enter "BoogeymanEatsWorms!!" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Boogeyman.

*; Wrestle as Chris Jericho (Attitude Era)

Enter "AltJerichoModelSvR09" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Chris Jericho (Attitude Era).

*; Wrestle as Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder

Enter "Ryder&HawkinsTagTeam" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

*; Wrestle as Gene Snitsky

Enter "UnlockSnitskySvR2009" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Gene Snitsky.

*; Wrestle as Jillian Hall

Enter "PlayAsJillianHallSvR" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Jillian Hall.

*; Wrestle as Layla (ECW)

Enter "UnlockECWDivaLayla09" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Layla (ECW).

*; Wrestle as Ric Flair

Enter "FlairWoooooooooooooo" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Ric Flair.

*; Wrestle as Tazz (ECW)

Enter "UnlockECWTazzSvR2009" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Tazz (ECW).

*; Wrestle as Vince McMahon

Enter "VinceMcMahonNoChance" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Vince McMahon.

*; Hornswoggle as manager

Enter "HornswoggleAsManager" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Hornswoggle as a manager.

*; CM Punk's alternate costume

Enter "CMPunkAltCostumeSvR!" as a case-sensitive code to unlock CM Punk's alternate costume.

*; Rey Mysterio's alternate costume

Enter "BooyakaBooyaka619SvR" as a case-sensitive code to unlock Rey Mysterio's alternate costume.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

MagicDurkin To Unlcok Mrs Durkin

ChairmanLee To Unlock Mrs LEE

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βˆ™ 13y ago

shout to rm 10000 we tha best u game addicts (kenneth)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

go to a GameStop, buy GameShark or codebreaker on expert cheat mode you can enter games,codes, and cheats. codes are at

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Go To IGN.Com Click On Cheats And Codes,And Click On Your Console Type,Click On W,Click On WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2009 Then Put In The Cheats.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You can go on and look for the cheats.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the rock- The Great One

Bonus backstage areas- BonusBrawl

WARNING- cheat codes are case sensitive

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βˆ™ 15y ago

who old are you?

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go to, wwe what are the cheat codes for smackdown vs. raw 09.

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i dont know yes

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One is the rock and the code is (The Great One)

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He's already in the game, but only as a manager.