Yes, it's called sagging and is a very popular fashion trend among teen boys. He does it very well and not too too low. It is very comfortable and looks cool in my opinion and in many other teen boys' opinions as well.
Yes, Justin Bieber once covered Pants on the Ground by Larry Pratt.
It was during a radio interview when Justin was speaking with Bert from Z100 Atlanta.
That was Jim Morrison of the Doors in Miami.
Yes he is he is the monkey in the blue shirt he is easy to identify he is the monkey that falls on the bed he also the only one to pull his pants up the blue shirt is easy to see just look closely with the details i have given you
Pull his pants down in a public concert or lie that he is having an affair. He will be so embarrassed to speak in public again.
you get pantsed by someone pulling your pants down
1 drop pants, pull door, enter toilet, pee 2drop pants, go to window, pee 3 die 4(wait until time expires) 5 drop pants, pee 6 pee 7 poop, drop pants, pee 8 pee 9 (do not type play) pee 10 do 1-9
well tighter pants but u might wanna sag your pants so pull them a little down. Hair like Justin Bieber and flirting well do it also if that doesn't work out just be yourself
Justin Bieber started playing the piano at 5 yrs of age during his pull up stage
That was Jim Morrison of the Doors in Miami.
3, for every time he wets the bed
only one less girl
He might, but it's not very likely.
Yes he is he is the monkey in the blue shirt he is easy to identify he is the monkey that falls on the bed he also the only one to pull his pants up the blue shirt is easy to see just look closely with the details i have given you
Pull his pants down in a public concert or lie that he is having an affair. He will be so embarrassed to speak in public again.
Pull your pants up!
pull out and slap him